My 2017: Welcoming the new year - New Friends and More Happiness steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Hallo Steemians from around the world, I hope you pass the new year with joyful. This post is my participation in Welcoming New Year contest held by @anomadsoul. Enjoy and be sure to watch video in this post to see the fireworks launch :)

I passed the end of 2017 in Sukabumi. Small town located in Indonesia. About 4 hours drive from Jakarta.

2 pm at Rumah Mesra.

Afternoon December 31, 2017. I just woke up and realized it was the last day in 2017. New year celebration in this city enlivened various events. Some are celebrating with family at home, dangdut concert (genre music in my country), DJ dance party, and others. Interestingly, I see there are positive movements from various creative communities in this city. They fill the end of the year with a community gathering, the event they named Lokaloak Fest.



Located in Rumah Mesra, a small cafe in Sukabumi City, where cross community gather and interact with each other. One of initiators is my friend, CEO exploresukabumi, one of the public media company that has most influential Instagram account in this city (I am part of it). Because I was bored at home and confused where to go .. LOL, finally I decided to join and meet him there.


In Lokaloak Fest we can follow a series of events such as community talks, showcase, layar tancep (traditional bioskop), music performance, and there is also a garage sale. I am very happy to spend last days in 2017 to be there. In addition to reunion with my friends from various communities, also get acquainted with new friends in welcoming the new year.

11 pm at Red Brick.

Near midnight, more people on the streets and gathered in several places to see fireworks for welcoming new year. Me and my friends plan to avoid the crowd and go to a hill to enjoy the city view and fireworks. But as we realized the limited time to travel, we decided to stop at a restaurant called Red Brick. Yes, here we are waiting for new year with young people and employees of the restaurant, they were dancing excitedly when the DJ playing the music.


00:00 , Fireworks.

I really enjoyed the fireworks from nearby, as you can see in the video.

First Morning of 2018.

After enjoying the New Year celebration, we could not sleep..LOL. We went to Situ Gunung hill, until morning arrived to breathe fresh air during first morning of 2018.


Happy New Year 2018! Hopefully we are better, more fresh and dream of the previous year can be achieved in this year.

Warm Regrads,
Sukabumi, Indonesia. Jan 2, 2018.

Eko Nugraha

▶️ DTube

Rumah Mesra? Kok lucu sih namanya mas 😁

wkwk iya mbak emang gitu nama tempatnya. Kurang tau juga kenapa dikasih nama Rumah Mesra 😄

mungkin foundernya menemukan kemesraan di tempat itu kali ya hehe

mungkin juga founder nya gak mau kemesraannya cepat berlalu, jadi dibikin rumah heheu

Hahaha eaaaaa
Asal gak dibuat tempat mesra-mesraan yang "iya-iya" haha

Nama kafenya unik ya kang. Itu ada filosofinya kayaknya, hehe

Saya baru lihat danau Indonesia jernih yang memantulkan bayang kayak gitu. Jadi pingin kesana

iya bang, filosofi mesra 😃

Tenang banget bang di situ. Ayo mampir bang ke Sukabumi hehe

siap kang. Nanti mau main sama ortu ah, hehe

Foto endingnyaaaa ademm

seadem yang foto. eh :D

Rumah mesra? Unique name

Kayaknya tempatnya cocok untuk mencari jodoh 😂😂

wkwk sini main ke Sukabumi kak

Kalo ada pangeran tamvan aku bakalan langsung tancap gas ke sana ka @ekonugraha wkwkwk 😂

tempatnya asik, namanya juga unik Mas @ekonugraha.
Eh itu paginya nggak ngantuk pa habis begadang kok bisa sampe ke Situ, wkwkwk

ngantuk berat mbak ke sana pake motor pula, untung nya dibonceng.. tapi hampir skip juga sih wkwk

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Keren y mas view dari situ gunung hill

iya bang, mampir sini bang hehe

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