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RE: [Acid Plays] Preview on my next game - Black Desert

in #dtube7 years ago

Wow. I thoughy i was the only one playing the game.
Graphically a pleasure to look at despite some small issues with draw distance that will hopefully improve as the title matures. Audio is is very fitting and I have not yet turned off the in game audio off in favor of my own sound track. The story is not as engaging as I would have liked it to be, but that is mostly lost in translation during its western localization. Game play is well thought out an fluid. I really like the fact that they opted for diminishing returns on actions rather than having to wait for cool downs on your abilities. No level lock is a major bonus, some will look at this as a major "grind fest" but the reality is your character never stops growing. People saying there is no end game really have no clue what endgame is , if your idea of sitting in one major hub and waiting to do dungeons is your idea of a fun endgame you might want to consider why major publishers using this structure are struggling to keep subscribers. Oh my next wonderful point, buy once play for ever, no pay to win. cash shop is cosmetic and quality of life and plz don't QQ cause costumes are expensive, its a choice to buy these things not a requirement. Honestly I feel like I could go on and on about the positives, crafting, gathering, PvP all these systems are well done.
Character creator is very detailed and probably one of the best implementations to date.

Con's :

Currently the only issue I have is .... hummmm nope not going to say yet as there is still more to come as it is not caught up yet and there will be several patches including content, player classes , systems and more coming over the next few months.

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