Daily d00k13 - Vlog Part #8 - karensuecontest

in #dtube6 years ago


What do I want to do with the delegation?

Credit me for my image


This is a very simple question with a not so simple answer, I want to grow! When joining steemit I was sceptical at best, started thinking I had no ability to create content so I started with curation. It was only through my interactions with other members of this community that I saw potential in myself.

Today I Step Back

Credit pinimg.com for image
I woke this morning feeling discouraged, network issues, d.tube issues, taking on a lot as an attempt to contribute! I work 2 jobs and never have time off work so today after completing my first week uploading on d.tube marked with a montage, my first ever by the way, I decided to step back and look at my accomplishments instead of my current frustrations!

  • Have created some strong friendships with supporting each other’s better interests
  • Inspired a few individuals to post daily, one multiple times a day and continue to support his progress
  • Learned how to edit movies and do a montage(not prefect but it worked out)
  • Discovered my own ability to write
  • Stepped outside my comfort zone to do all of this and I am proud of that
  • Started a discord server with @dnews, intention of bringing people together possibly it will lead to a new support system, he is very inspiring and I have attached myself to him(I support his efforts unconditionally and would like to continue doing so more productively)
  • Discovered new topics of interest through curation

..... I could probably keep going but that’s not the question

Where am I going?

Credit [email protected] for image
I do not see myself as an artist nor a creator, I am a supporter! I may create content but nothing comparable to @dnews, so my entire direction changed when he acknowledged me as part of his inspiration! He calls me the original brother, I really enjoy commenting on his posts and I know he enjoys reading my comments as he continuously reminds me. He has 4 channels now, @dlife @altcoinpost @phototutorials, and I believe he will need help to continue his impressive growth! This is where my new direction comes in, I have gone from focusing on myself and my rewards to attempting to focus on supporting others! I am so inspired by his work specifically I had to do everything in my power to aid him, I propositioned him about discord and he accepted!

Our Discord if you care to join Us

I also would like to go down the Witness road, I currently run a mining rig so I am pretty sure I could handle it just comes down to funds and time. Currently non of either but if through a community we could create a revenue to start that ball would be self sufficient. It would be a community witness with community kick backs, support our supporters style.

How will I get there?

  • I started with a Discord server for Us and anyone that wants to join Us.
  • Continue to search out new content/creators and be active on the wide viariety of discord servers available.
  • Move my Mining rewards into Steem Power
  • Upvote his content and attempt to curate comments while attempting to produce my own
  • Continuously strive for perfection, though I know its impossible
  • If I do not win, I am seriously looking at purchasing delegations

If I Recieve Delegation

  • First, I plan to delegate my power out, I am active on the @minnowsupport project and wish to continue my efforts to help this community. Hopefully grow to where I am no longer needing the support myself. I use their services and have attempted to do everything in my power to help with limited time, delegation is my next step. I need to get to 50 SP to be able to delegate and my next mining reward is just around the corner, so if I do not win I plan to rent from @minnowbooster with what little money I will have but this will start a perpetual ball of renting and paying for power from to avoid running out of delegation and being locked out of account.
  • Second, Recharge my Vote so its actually worth something for those I curate. When I say curate I really mean constructive criticism or out of the box insights on topics at hand.
  • Third, continue to support @dnews and his affiliated channels on @dtube as he is going to be, if he is not already considered so, very influential on the growth of the entire #dtube #steemit ecosystem. He is an evangelist, the face of positivity, helping hand, a supporter of mine yet he out grew me! Everything he does is about self growth and giving back so this is my attempt to give back to him.
  • Fourth, Flagging is never something that should be abused and I do not believe it should be used until after a healthy discussion has taken place, exception being abusive content.

My Motto’s Say it All

  • Brutally Honesy Always Beats a Liar
  • As a Knower on the path of Knowing to discover the Known I reveal to you my findings, Good and Bad

Meaning I hate Lies, you ask me a question I will tell you straight whether you like it or not! There is a place for criticism just need to be put in a constructive context.

I Love you Steemit

Credit @thedashguy for image
I am the d00k13(pronounced dookie means poop), I am a Supporter, I have had a rough journey to get here. I am passionate about Crypto in general but Steemit has taken nearly full hold of that passion. I see great things in Steemits future and I wish to be apart of it. I hate the spot light, but I love the ability to put ideas down and get legitimate responses unlike other platforms. NEVER have i felt so inspired to contribute or have I for that matter! I am learning new things, expanding my horizons despite my personal daily emotional battles. I learned through the loss of my dear friend Tristan Watterworth(I believe we were soulmates not ment to actually meet this life) and the resulting journey how to love openly, furthermore discovered that the only way to help myself is through helping others. I will often punish myself in an attempt to help others, I am strong willed at times. Here there is no punishment for me, only Love in return. Love that needs to be reciprocated 10 fold, the only way I can see to do that with my current situation is through support of others on the platform.

Never Power Down

As I said, I hate lies, and now I’ll say this ”I WILL NEVER POWER DOWN”, I am in this for the long haul. Till the end of my time I intend to power up not down, add value to this platform by keeping Steem and SBD off exchanges and invested.

My question to You @karensuestudios

What more can anyone do to express they are deserving other then committing themselves to the betterment of the ecosystem?

Thank you for this opportunity to collect my thoughts on this subject, writing does not come naturally to me nor does planning for a future but this has forced me to create this post reaffirming my own direction for myself. I do not know when I will get there but mark my words “I will get there”!

After i decided to make the video

Thank you @dtube @steemit @karensuestudios for helping knock down another wall, I really mean it, I am inspired and passionate for the first time in a long time thanks to people like you!

Some links to previous post for context!
@Dnews collaboration
MSP & PALnet plan
Bring Doug Polk to Steemit
Vetting Crypterra & Bringing CryptoRobert from Youtube to Steemit
Say “I Love you” no matter what! introducemyself part #2

@d00k13 aka CameoTheDragon

As a knower on the path of knowing to discover the known I reveal to you my findings, good and bad.

Follow @d00k13 if you wish to join my journey!
If you wish too help, Power please! Anything else will be converted.

Brutally Honest Always Beats a Liar.

Join Us on Discord Server #OneLoveDtube


▶️ DTube

Break down those walls, champ! One step at a time! So true about Martial Arts man. So true. That's called skill/talent capital. It needs to be built over time.


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