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RE: D.Tube 0.7: Welcome to the HD

in #dtube7 years ago

But how would that be compatible with the Steem vote system? If you set 5 stars, it votes it up? But what if someoen doesn't want to vote but wants to rate? What if they, by rating, forget that they can vote it too? What if by rating it, they feel like they've done enough to support the author and leave?


I know this post is old but what if the rating of stars indicated vote weight?

Then you would be upvoting something with 20% that you deem worthy of 1 star? I wouldn't want to give an upvote for that, or even a flag sometimes. I'd just leave it alone and let it die in peace.

Not necessarily. The stars don't have to be exactly 20% each. You could make 1 star 10%, 2 stars 25%, 3 stars 50%, 4 stars 75% and 5 stars 100% and then you could also include the option for a slider scale that would do a rounding estimate of all the votes (both sliding votes and stars) and display the mean rating in stars. So that would allow people to be specific with their votes, but also allow for a quick way for people to judge if they should watch the video based on the stars.

I personally think people should flag more often and not get offended by them. To me a flag means I'm not doing the best I could be and I didn't reach my potential with the post.

2 separate systems stars any one can use and voting for steem users only

Or maybe stars could be attached to the blockchain somehow. As you know, all posts have a lot of JSON information that says which app was used for posting, who the beneficiaries of the post are, etc.

Each comment could have a rating attached as a JSON format, so it would say {"client": "DTube", "is_review": true, "stars": 5}, but this would promote lower quality comments and I think that we have quite enough of those already.

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