#Fundraising Video Campaign: From Croatia To Morocco On My Twingo Wings

in #dtube6 years ago

This is a #fundraising video which I've recorded for the purpose of raising funds to achieve goals of my #travel #project - travelling from my hometown Opatija in Croatia to Morocco & back.

Description of the project is has been said in the video but you can also read about it here:

I am a man who was given a name Nikica by the names of my both grandfathers who were both called Nikola. Just recently St. Nicholas was celebrated in Croatia & he is a protector of travelers too. Due to my name & my vocation as a traveler along with my Twingo, there surely ain’t no end to my voyage!

Twingo is kind of a cult car which was made to last long & very rarely breaks down but even if it breaks down it’s not so expansive to repair it! My Twingo & me are together since the early 2016 & in the middle of the same year it drove me on the long way from Croatia to Bulgaria. On that voyage I made a lot of photos on which we posed together. Some of these photos along with the texts were posted on several web sites & exposed to a large number of people (links to these posts you can find in this document).
I am mostly interested in natural & cultural heritage of the people & the countries I’m planning to visit. Most of all I like combining those two in an unbreakable oneness of unity, cause almost always nature of some place/area defines its people’s culture. But the process can be completely the opposite: Culture effects the nature too!

So, I’ll be visiting the local traditional & underground events of art & culture like: concerts, parties, exhibitions, celebrations, street parades, etc. I will also try to get involved in those happenings contacting & meeting the people in charge – the organizers of all these activities to participate directly & actively in them. I hope in collaborating with other artists on the way… In every activity I which I manage to get involved, I will try my best to document it with photos & videos!

I’ll be exploring the natural beauties everywhere around & learning about the local naturally growing wild plants & mushrooms & picking them if it would be the right time. In these activities my Twingo will surely help me by driving me here & there, from the sea level to the high mountain peaks, from the ferry boats in urban environments to the off road sights of the natural jewels!
I’ll also be volunteering in projects if I sense & recognize that somewhere my help is needed! As usual, I will surely continue to play music in the streets of many different cities I visit!

Every day I’ll try my best to record & edit videos, shoot photos & write texts & report about everything happening to me. These reports will be visible on several pages where I regularly interact with public every day & there you will be able to follow my travel progress! I can assure you that you’ll be witnessing one unique, unusual & exciting travel experience!

Why did I decided to travel with my personal car – Renault Twingo? Mainly cause of the practical reasons: Till now, I had only positive experiences with it. It took me everywhere I wanted to go. The longest distance was my trip to Bulgaria in 2016 when I passed the Croatian coastline of Dalmatia & several islands, Monte Negro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia & back home – altogether approx. 3 700 km – on this distance it broke down only once & it was the gas pump & when we changed it, Twingo was ready to fly again! It gives me a higher level of independence in moving around, carrying all of my work equipment (drums, laptop, photo-video gadgets…) & other luggage. It’s giving me the opportunity to give someone a lift if needed. I’ll be also offering a lift over the car sharing apps & sites!

I calculated that I will pass 10 648 km in total starting from Croatia & passing through Slovenia, Italy, Monaco, France, Spain, Morocco (where I’ll stay the longest – 54 days), Portugal, than again Spain & France, towards the North to Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia again & back home. The trip will last for 163 days what is approx. 4,5 months during which I will need to eat something & sleep somewhere – so that’s another reason for asking for your help! I calculated that my travel expanses will be in total of 12 535,23 €.

To achieve all of this I need your help – every #donation is very welcomed & appreciated!

I would really appreciate if you share & resteem this video as much as possible & of course, maybe I would be able to raise funds only from your upvotes on this post! So, please upvote!

Or you can #donate on my personal account:

Name: Nikica Karas
Address: Kosićevo 7, 51410 Opatija, Croatia
IBAN: GB90 REVO 0099 7069 2089 26
(or to IBAN: HR9524020063208285831; SWIFT/BIC: ESBCHR22)

Theres's an Indiegogo #campaign also going on: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/from-croatia-to-morocco-with-my-twingo-groundlines/x/19957349#/ (you can find #sponsor offers here & you can demand some perks for your donations)


▶️ DTube

OMG this is a great and really long route for a twingo :P

(even with wings :P)
Your trip is going through so many beautiful cities, exciting landscapes and so many cultural interesting places. I am already jealous yet :P

I would love to see some documentation videos and posts about your trip here on steem. You can count on my support!
(if it would be possible.. can you add my name with a leading @ within your post description so I receive a notification in partiko? That would help me a lot because your posts got a bit under all of these posts in my feed and I really want to support you with upvotes, comments and resteems.)

I love the way you are talking about your route, your goals and ideas for the trip. And I love your attitude in general man. We need more people like you here on the blockchain!

One little addition to your route:
Could you make it possible to come over to Hamburg as well? It is "just" 1,5h away from Hannover and I can offer you everything you need:
a place to sleep, a shower, washing clothes and everything you need / want :) I know some interesting people here in hamburg as well. I would love to introduce you to them.

I really would love to get to know you in person. You are super inspiring and I am interested in so many things as well that I can not say I am a professional in any art/hobby I am doing :P We can have some cool conversations and sharing a lot of input with each other :)

I backed up your campaign with a little amount because I have not much fluent money for now. I am sending you some energy and wish you will have success with the campaign. And even if you do not reach your financial goal - you can make this trip of your life some day in the future.

Thanks for sharing this with us and letting us be a part of your life brother!

Well! I'm getting emotional now! :)

Thanks again for supporting me & also for inviting me to your place!

I've got a great idea from my friend - she proposed that we organize a travel-raising party at her restaurant for me!

I've already shared this idea with some friendly DJs & now I'm waiting for their answers...

It's my birthday on the 22nd of January! So, maybe my wishes do come true!

Thank you very much!

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