Edema Help - Use Layers of Socks to Help Your Symptoms

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Edema often first presents itself by swelling in your feet, ankles and lower legs. This happens when you are elderly, inactive, ill, obese, and even in healthy people that sit at a desk all day long.

There are many ways to treat edema, and one of those is to wear socks that keep the fluid from building up. You can buy all kinds of expensive socks for this purpose or just use what you have. I am showing you some of this less expensive alternative here.

Once you start getting edema, you will end up being prone to it and need to keep it under control. If the fluid starts building up higher in your body, and gets to your trunk, many complications can ensue.

Yesterday I posted a video about some easy exercise that will also help edema.
Exercise Stretch in Bed to Help Edema

Try both of these ideas if you have this trouble and you have a good chance of nipping your edema in the bud.

= =

bxlphabet fitinfun before and after.jpg

It is that time of year when the fitness equipment is out and the diet books are being read. I lost "Half My Size" eight years ago by using natural methods, and you can too!

This is Sharon @fitinfun. I am posting:

  • Healthy Food Ideas on @fitinfunfood
  • Easy Exercise, Tips, and Health Information on my son's blog @bxlphabet
  • Motivation and everything else on @fitinfun
    Please follow along or contact me directly if you would like some individual help. Anyone can do this if I did.

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Getting old has some pluses and minuses.

I'm just glad I made it!

I am old and the best thing I can do is walk.

I have a big beer belly

You look nice in the photo

Nice one, your post are interesting

What an amazing transform...

Yes fitness is everything

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