Blue Lazer Beams = Rod of God? Must Watch video of New York Fires last night!

in #dtube6 years ago

Please follow the links to the videos below and comment what you think these lazer beams are. Something BIG is happening and there is no time like RIGHT NOW to take some time to become awake yourself.


Well said about all of this man. Q! WWG1WGA! 3 buildings. Agreed. I will be posting about Q very soon. My Zmotiv about "the NPC," is kind of along the lines of what you are speaking about here, with people taking responsibility for what is happening. I hope you are right about him being a white hat, always see other perspectives. I have a feeling you are right about him. Just watched the video, I'll comment in video formatt in the future, quick #znap: There is a Conspiracy of seriously evil people at war with Humanity.

Nice buddy. Get Q infront of more eyes!

We are winning and our side is growing every single day.

Thanks sir @broncnutz i followed you on always with you sir.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sir @broncnutz from my Steemit journey i was followed you.. And always hope your support... But still not take it

Posted using Partiko Android

"There's a lot of stuff in this world that is sick, dark, satanic, and twisted"

Hit the nail right on the head.

When I started on steemit, I was either going to make a blog that was all about exposing things like this or my travel bog. Obviously I went with the travel blog.

However, I'll be interviewing more people like Anders from Sweeden. I've met x CIA assassins, Politicians in Uruguay, Human Traffickers in South Korea, and all sorts of people that either have participated or been horribly effected by the evil that plagues our world. I'm going to make a point to get more of their first hand accounts on tape and play my part in awakening the masses.

Keep shining that lite Mr Nutz! You Rock!

From Pai Thailand - Dan "World Travel Pro!"

At least they caught who was responsible. Stargate SG1 fans (now streaming on Amazon Prime) will recognize the severed head of Thor being proudly held aloft by Gov. Cuomo at the news conference.

Look up Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). These might be responsible for the fires that melt cars and leave the trees standing in California, Portugal, Greece etc in recent years. Also possibly responsible for earthquakes that only hit parts of cities in NZ, Nepal, Indonesia and other places in the last years.

Those trillions "lost" by the Pentagon and all other Fed programs got spent somewhere. Your taxpayer dollars at work!

I think I just figured out what caused this. It was space weather that has become more damaging recently due to our planet's weakening magnetosphere. Check out the Suspicious0bservers youtube channel if you want to learn more. It's interesting stuff and thanks for getting me into it with your post.

I'll check it out for sure! thanks for the heads up.

¡O M G! That is crazy, man! Ther is many things in this world! Congrat for your video..

Thats actually really confusing on this video. This video if you will really see the light when it touch or near to the earth level it look so real and it also impact the near by situation of this light but if you will see above earth level of that light actually it is not so clear if it coming from the sky or not ? You will just see a small and blur lighting of that source . Might what i am thinking there is some things impacting on all the object near of that light it is coming from that land area only . Sutuation is different but it represanting in a different way. I m not so sure this is my opinion only on this blue light.

Posted using Partiko Android

what the hell was that :O

i think they are testing new weapons

In neighborhoods where people are? This don’t look like a test to me.

i agree with u and they should try open place and safe if they want testing

OH MY GOD, its very scary sight.

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