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RE: She's Creepy // From pencils to inks!

in #dtube5 years ago

I enjoyed the way you changed your mind so many times ^_^ I love the final inked version !
In spite of appearances, I am a rather introverted person ... I know how to go to people on a professional level, I mean in a day work it does not pose any problems to communicate with others, but because it remains superficial and I know how to make people talk about their favourite subject : themselves 😃
on the other hand in the private domain, I have very reserved contact in public because I do not like to talk about banalities and do not enjoy at all to speak about me the way they expect me to talk about myself :
what I do in life is the question that bothers me the most, people want to define someone by their job, and I do not have any, I have a passion, and if they learn this they want to know immediately if I make a living, as if it was that that defined me, and not the fact that I live my passion no matter whether it brings me money or not, and that next to that I do small jobs as waitress or saleswoman to pay my bills ... ;-)
I do not want to explain myself to other, I just need to be it, which socially is equivalent to ground zero 😃


Thank you for watching the video! Sometimes I wonder if they’re actually getting viewed but reading your comment has given me a boost! Thanks again for that!

Omgosh, you and I are so similar! I agree, speaking to someone in a professional setting isn’t a problem for me either. You also brought up something that I didn’t realize at first and it’s that I also hate talking about myself! In the conversation I mentioned I was also asked if my job was sustainable and how much I make yearly. It was uncomfortable for me but of course the other person thought they could make things okay with a bright smile.

I know what you mean about doubting people having watch the video 😃
sometimes I doubt they have read my post when someone ask me wow ! how did you do that ? , when my post is entitled as a tutorial and contains detailed explanations and pictures of the process that could not be more clear 😄 ...I tend to let my sarcastical side express itself in my answering in these cases 😏

I'm glad if what I wrote evokes something similar in you,this is always soothing to see that they are also people that feel the same and we can feel close to ! 😉

Hahaha! Same! People asking questions when the answer is written right in front of them tends to happens more often than I’d like! For me, I got a lot of questions about the programs I used. I could also be sarcastic with my replies but that depends on the mood. 😄

Along the same topic- I remembered one particular situation where I was trying to write a nice comment on a travel post that I had finished reading. This person and I shared a lot of similar interests and I wanted to drop a subtle hint that screamed ‘YES, I’m obviously one of the few that did read this!’ and I was hoping to spark a conversation because no one else had. Instead, that dream was crushed with a -“yeah, I mentioned that in my post” 🙄 After that, I vowed to always read over comments on my own blog twice so A.) I don’t embarrass myself and B.) I’m not carelessly throwing shade

Anyway, your comments are definitely appreciated and that image is so stinkin cute! 😌

stinkin cute ? ...LoL I learn new expressions each day 6impffaua4.png

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