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RE: Be Careful what you ask for!!!!

in #dtube6 years ago

What to say here, my friend? I have actually so much to say that I don't know where to start really. I always talk about the importance of words in my posts, and how people should really be careful about what they write, and how they write because words are POWERFULL. And, they can inspire people to do amazing things or they can have quite the opposite effect.

I am sorry you had to go through all of this and hear these inconsiderate people comments and you should not thank Hem or whatever his name is because he chooses to share these words with you while he could of chosen to use the positive comment and use it to encourage you to keep Vlogging. In a way it seems like he agrees with them and that his kind of comments are ok with him? Wtf really? This is what is what is wrong with the world today. People are helping each other but rather enjoy putting people down, or trying to in your case.

I felt you on this vlog. And, I am glad you are happy who you are and not changing for these pricks leaving comments like at this. If they did not have anything positive to add to help you improve than they should off shut their pie holes before speaking. But, the one above see all my friend, and KARMA will do its thing. I am happy you stood up for yourself and told them you are not changing for anybody. This says a lot about them, and even much more about you.

You are a kind, genuine, and a great person. A good human being. And, I actually don't want to quit Dtube. F... them all who wrote these comments. Inconsiderate pricks. Sorry about the language. I get really rattled up when seeing people do stupid crap like this. I want you to keep Dtube logging because you should not quit just because these people have no idea what it is to be a good human being. I encourage you to keep sharing yourself on Dtube. I want you to be happy. I want you to turn on your favorite music today and be happy.

Don't let these pricks take your happiness from you. These people need some lessons on how to be a human being. You don't. Their words describe and telling us all here on Steemit who they are. So if any of them are reading this, I want to tell you that you should evaluate your life. Because if you felt better at writing these comments, you should be ashamed of yourself and the life you are leading. Maybe, someday people will do the same for you when you ask help and I truly hope you get a response like this in return. Then you will know the importance of words, and how to use them. I truly hope you are reading this, and that you will change the ways and how you speak to people.

@crazyadventure I am sorry you had to go through this. But, in reality, we live in a world like this today. Where being "different" is scrutinized and insulted. I don't want you to quit Dtube but rather keep reporting on these kinds of problems. Maybe that should be the theme of your Vlogging. Reporint about issues like this, and finding stories similar to yours and giving your opinion about them. Raise the awarness of the problem you just experienced in person. And do it on Dtube so you may help other users who find themselves in situations like this. :)

Keep your head up, and don't let them discourage you being YOU, and keep up Vlogging and being happy. You can CHOOSE it right NOW. :)

Have a blessed day. :)


Wow what a comment, deep and passionate and uplifting. I cannot contribute to a platform that allows for such people to make these decisions based on idiocy and small mindedness. Why should I reward the platform with my time and my work when I am working so hard to help myself and the community. If DTube were to change their stance on this matter then I would happily return, but when I am seeing DLive wanting to work with content creators and reward good work, where I see the creators talking to each other and working together, that deserved my time and effort. This will only make me a stronger more determined person.

You are more than welcome. I just hate seeing things like this and people doing stupid stuff like this.

And, you are right. I just thought you should maybe spread awareness about it on Dtube. And, tell them this is not ok right at their own backyard. But, I am just happy to see you will keep sharing your thoughts and keep Vlogging. :)

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