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RE: I'm Going To Keep Talking About Flat Earth

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Look up the actual math equation for the curvature, since your so capable of criticle thinking, tell me how it's possible to have the curve mainstream science reinforces but noone can find that said curve...... some sailors report seeing lighthouses over 135 miles from shore.... counttless times throught history the globe has been proven wrong. And imstead of takin 10 actual minutes tp look into it, you waste your time trolling good people like us tryin to wake up sheeple like you


What you call 'waking up', I call 'dumbing down' or Psy-Oping. You won't admit to believe anyone who has seen the curvature anyway. Just as you ignore everything else that shows the earth is a globe.

I see the curvature quite regularly actually. I grew up spending my time at the beach on Port Philip Bay (Victoria, Australia) on the opposite side of the bay to Melbourne. I still get to spend a lot of time there every Summer.

From there, you can see the city of Melbourne and it appears to be right on the water, which it's not. It is impossible to see the beaches or the suburb of South Melbourne which are in between the city and the beach on that side of the bay.

The city is high enough to be visible from the other side of the bay.
On a 'good' day with the aid of refraction, the city appears much closer and on a 'bad' day you can hardly see it at all.

So you believe stories from sailors, known 'story' tellers and exaggerators, yet you refuse to believe people with real credentials and real experience, hmmmmm. That says a lot.

Refraction makes it possible to see large distances out at sea, that's only one possibility for how they may see a lighthouse miles beyond the curve.

Don't forget that those lighthouses are also pretty high up which you'd have to take into account when applying curvature math which demonstrates how it is possible too. But you'll ignore both of those explanations too.

Please Mr Flatearther, explain to me these two things:

  • How is the Sun visible 24/7 from Antarctica during Summer time in the Southern Hemisphere?
  • Your lot often use crepuscular rays (an optic illusion) to try and show that the Sun isn't that high in the sky, how then are Anticrepuscular rays possible? (I've seen them and taken photos)

I'll leave it there for now, just answer those two successfully and I'll be prepared to hear more about your wacky ideas.


The video does NOT answer my two questions.
That dude makes things up or lies, either way what he says is not true.
You can actually verify 24 hours of visible Sun in the Antarctica (South Pole) yourself.
There is no government cover up stopping people from travelling there. You CAN go to Antarctica.
Just put your money where your mouth is and go and see for yourself.

BTW: The video you posted fails to take into account the tilt of the Earth's axis which explains why the days are different in length throughout the year.

What about Anticrepuscular rays, how do YOU explain those?

I asked YOU to explain those two questions, not point to a dodgy video which just wasted my time.
You've failed.

Put it this way, i understand and respect your point of view, because we used to share the same idealistic way of thinking, but check out this link, i believe it will not only answer your two questions, but maybe give you sone insight as it did for me ^_^

To asnwer your questions SPECIFICALLY, go to about 40 min into the video,

My mistake about 32 min into the video

Actually give the video a shot man, i cannot tell you how much i used to think that the flat earth was complete horseshit but all i did was hear him out and thinl for myself,

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