Steemit Dolphin meets Dolphins in the Indian Ocean!

in #dtube6 years ago

Hi all!

Yesterday we took a boat trip out of the shallows of the coral reef, and into the deep blue sea.

What we experienced I will never forget!

I'm not a confident swimmer, and have never felt at ease with thought of deep water. However, when we saw Dolphins swimming near the boat, this was an opportunity not to be missed.

The speed and elegance that these beautiful creatures glide past took my breath away - not ideal for a beginner snorkeler! :)

I hope you enjoy the video!

Asher @abh12345

▶️ DTube

Amazing! I could almost imagine your excitement when they swam past you! :)

On the original sound edit you can here me say something into the snorkel mask, I was shocked and surprised and blown away really!

Thanks for watching!

That was a once in a lifetime experience I will remember and talk about my whole life! Spinner and bottlenose dolphins on a feeding frenzy, and us strange little humans staring at them with excitement and sheer amazement while they slowly disappear into the abyss.
I really thought I would have been scared of swimming so far out at sea, but there's something about dolphins that makes one feel so appeased, like everything is ok.

The sounds they make underwater are so captivating and soothing as well - we need to listen to that every night as we fall asleep!

but there's something about dolphins that makes one feel so appeased, like everything is ok.

Do you think the dolphins would have told us if a Shark was near? :)

I asked Robin the boatman quickly about sharks before jumping in, he said: "Naaaaah".
I don't think dolphins hang out and feed in places where sharks like to swim anyway (let's just believe that, move on, and be happy we didn't lose any limbs)

The dolphin would most likely attack the shark to protect people and others.

Good to know. Still wouldn't want to be in these waters with that scene happening below or near me. Yikes! My heart is pounding just thinking of it.

Oh and you know the worst part?... I scratched my foot on the corals (unintentionally of course) a few hours prior. It was bleeding like crazy. The dolphins didn't mind!

ouch! Ya, don't want to be shark bait eh! Either way, spectacular experience. Stunning!

dolphins in the sea and whales on the boat :) Great video, thanks for sharing with us!

haha, cheeky! Thanks for watching!

Yes Asher I enjoy the video and the music too. Beautiful!

Thank you for watching @ofildutemps.

There is a short clip of Sylvia pretending to be a dolphin but it didn't make the final edit! :D

You really did have fun with these sea creatures I mean, diving into the deep without being a perfect swimmer, you know it's awesome. You really provided a glimpse into the wildlife in sea, that's a whole new level of steeming

Yes It was a great experience!

Thank you for checking the videos out :)

Oh my gosh, I love it!!! Watching this made me so happy. Dolphins are wonderful. Oh love love love. Thank you for sharing. Great song, as well. Happy travels! :)

It was amazing!

It's an older song, but I had it in my mind all day yesterday and had to use it for the video :)

Thank you!

Hello Asher, I've just resteemed @davemccoy four hr ago post. He advises to look thru yours so I started again, haven't been here for awhile, so many many to check. Dolphins. I spent hours swimming with them in Monkey Mia in WA when younger. In the Tweed river the porpoises presence let's you know swimming is safe from Bull shark. Out in the Moreton Bay off the coast from where I live is an Island resort called Tangalooma where anyone who travels may stay at a hotel with daily visits from dolphins. I did a study some thirty years ago or more now, before internet, and was looking at a picture of world-map, that shows the 26° lat, both in the north and south is a favoured habitat of dolphin. Jerusalem across to the Algarve, both Monkey Mia and Brisbane. You would probably know the americas better than I, but I do remember many ref. sightings along the 26° lat. I believe near Simonstown on East Coast of Africa, but I could find no town ref. in Kalahari region. Just an old remembrance. My travel notes are well gone in flood and bush-fire nowadays, which is another really good thing about this library To Be! 😉

Thanks for taking a look @simon62, @davemccoy is doing great things here and I'm glad he's brought you here.

It sounds like you've had some great experiences - if only GoPro's were around back then eh!

I've added you to the Curation Leagues, which I suspect was the reason for Dave sending you over.

Good luck on your return!

Thank-you, @beeyou has helped also, and @cheetah is a brilliant robot which I think might be copied and tweaked into an app for researching steemit archive as the library it is becoming. There must be an easier means to find the particular post that one might be searching for, and a research robot that can scan internally, not just the tags but phrases and or common usage words, to bring a researcher a narrower and narrower field, as steemit archive gets bigger and broader. @cheetah robot seems just a tweak away from my dream app. 😉

Interesting @cheetah and @blacklist-a could join up :) Looking forward to your app ;)

Oh I'm not computer oriented. I have a marvellous idea for a very useful business app that basically simplifies the dewey-decimal library research indexing, but for uses right across the business world, but as a couple of my ideas have already made others millionaires, and left me aside, I wish to find some techie that knows how to share. Back years ago I played with hexagram dos in analogue, but I don't really expect to be able to keep up with present uni courses when I'm barely able to follow the simple instructions to use this android. No, I've got my retirement and insurance, I'll let some young gun develop the apps, as long as I get a small %, I'll be fine.

A shame you didn't catch some of this money your ideas created but as long as your comfortable and healthy, that's what counts most.

True as!
Please keep in mind that I would be interested in someone who can write/create apps.

Absolutely beautiful! What an experience it must have been. The dolphins are such graceful creatures and it truly is underwater love. Thanks for sharing Asher.

And thanks for watching guys! :D

Steemit Dolphins meeting them :D
The joy is like

Wow, what a cute triplets, you must have been really stoked to see them from that close. I would like to do that some day as open water and not in captivity..... Buuuut I'm kinda scared that a shark will appear. How about you? Not affraid of facing a shark that all of a sudden could show up?

I was hoping that the dolphins would some how warn me!? haha

The guy on the boat said no Sharks have been near here, which is strange because Reunion Island (the next nearest) is known as the shark capital of the world!?

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