
I realized I forgot to tell you that I watched Fantastic Planet when I saw your post about it. Am i a bad person that I loved Draags better than human beings (Oms) throughout the film? They treated to 'animals' way better than real-life humans!
I'll listen to your talk when I have the time, but, if i may ask, are you a bit nostalgic these days?
One thing's for sure, you were a cute child:)

Here's a 50% upvote for calling me a cute child.
I was though ( says the Ego )

And no, you're not a bad person for liking the Draags more. I think I felt the same.

I don't think I'm necessarily nostalgic these days but if I am, it's in the most positive way possible. I also don't mind the now at all.

Life is great :>)

Better late than never right XD

I'm really glad you summarise things as I kept losing track of what you were talking about as usual asnd then there were life distractions so I was just enjoying the sounds of your voices again XP

Mr Summarizer is far from my middle name but you're welcome :>)

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