
in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

They will be coming for him, my baby soft, with eyes still filled with wonder.Bestow him with a million kisses I wish were shields to save him from his fate.

They will come boots crunching announcing their presence in the hay. They will pull, drag, beat his little crying form and I shall stand screaming.

My grief will echo through these walls in bleeding chunks of desperation. My pain has become part of the very structure they house me in.

Touch the stones and they will reverberate in the sad history of my people. It leaks into the souls of the imprisoned painting our days in shades of dread.

The children born here are products of violation yet we cherish our few stolen moments. My son my beautiful son, soak up this love, this ocean you fill me with.

They are coming now, one never feels prepared no matter how often one experiences it. My errant hopes of a miracle crushed like the flowers you will never get to see.

I take in your scent, categorise every detail, you are a marvel born into nightmare. The footstep of our captors are the timer announcing the expiration of your light.

I call your name, for hours, days, until silence takes residence in the darkness I am left to live in. My baby soft you are no more now then broken dismembered flesh under uncaring hand. Your only crime- to not have been born Human.

Writing notes:
The horrors of the meat egg and dairy industry haunt me day in and day out. We humans love to see ourselves as pinnacle of creation but as long as we destroy the planet we live on and enslave , main , rape, torture and kill the other races of earth as we do I cannot see us as anything but a malicious virus. The natural lifespan of a cow is 20-25 years under our hands most dairy cows do not make it over the age of five.By that time their bodies are so run down that they resemble seniors more than the young animals they actually are. Force impregnated at an age they would not yet chose to, in natural settings, they are violated every year like this to keep the milk we steal from them flowing. In most farms the children are taken directly after birth or a few days later. The males are either killed right away or fattened up for 3-6 months and then killed. the girls are raised to relive the hell of their mothers. There is a myth perpetuated by the industry that cows do not care what happens to their young truth is that that is seldom the case, most try to fight to keep them scream for day for their children and show obvious signs of depression. Humans love to chalk it up to instinct but truth s that the very hormones cows produce to bond with their young are the same ones that are released after birth in a human mothers system to do the same. there are documented cases of mother cows hiding their babies in fields and mothers with broken hips fighting to protect their babies. We love to claim that what we are doing is natural and that all animals do it but truthfully we humans have ventured so far from natural that this is but a lame excuse. The modern human does not need to eat, milk, dairy or eggs, in fact it is really bad for them as several Harvard and other studies prove. It is a choice we chose to be monsters where we could be protectors and guardians.on the day i wrote this I was once again confronted with slaughterhouse footage from the U.S, the cow was dismembered while she was still conscious the stunning did not work properly and they just skinned and chopped of her legs anyway. The workers said it happens often and they do not restunn because it is taken off their work time- such are things we humans do.

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(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme) 1146410_626398614061443_1547687283_o.jpg


nan small.jpg

Artists & Musicians wanted for the One Project
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One small .png

Image Credit

art courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



catspace 150 dpi medium.png
this little girl was made for me by @barbara-orenya


I found this on Trending, normally I wouldn't go near it but for once since HF20 it has genuinely good content on it for a refreshing change.

Moving piece of writing, I fear the most barbaric of practices are forced by prices being driven down by supermarket chains.

#thealliance #witness

It is barbaric to force cows to have kids and steal their milk anyway you put it , they have to impregnate them every year and even in small farms where the baby gets to stay a few weeks they still take her child , she still grieves and we still abuse her body . It only seems acceptable because we have been doing it for thousands of years ...thing is there are a ton of things we have done that we now stopped doing as we one needs to drink cowsmilk anymore scientific studies show that anyone over the age of 5 actually does not benefit from it quite the opposite. it actually is horrible for grown up bones that is why countries with high milk consumption rates actually have the highest osteoporosis rates...but the milk industry has a lot of power and money. Besides the horror to the non humans animal agriculture is the number one reason for global warming the number one reason for world hunger (next to political red tape ) the number one soi nd water pollutant. The oceans have huge dead zones where animal agriculture runoff flows into it so it affects that too . Top scientists say we have 25 years to stop runnaway climate change if we do not change our ways 60% of the planet will be uninhabitable by 2052 ... every single one of us has a stake in this and responsibility yet most just cant get over their comfort and shortsighted wants. We cannot force corporations to go green we cn however control what we eat really is as simple as that if 50% of the word went vegan we could reduce our climate impact by around 70% ...ponder that for a minute ...and yet no one cares because they want what they want ... it is so frustrating to watch as people like me who try are trapped with a word that refuses to do the right thing it is not like i can flee to another planet ..I go down with the rest of the ship can get really demoralising at times :( yes the industry makes it even worse but really we as so called evolved race need to stop enslaving others its repugnant ....think about it if aliens came to earth who were more powerful than we are and did this to us we would be all appalled but we have no qualms in doing this to others ... pigs for example are as smart as a 5 year old child and yet we don't bat an eye to kill and dismember them because we love bacon ...these are self aware beings not rocks not inanimate objects ... as is I digress it is just that i live in perpetual hell seeing the images of the victims in my head not being able to shut out the screams and horror and i am unable to help them ...

P.s I was on tending @_@

This post has been voted on from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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