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RE: 40 % Off - Poem + Dsound Reading

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

Yeah... it is a sad fact that governments are complicit and individuals are mainly unaware or uncaring of the human cost of misery and poverty that is the price for our consumerist driven global capitalist model. I stopped talking about this type of thing with friends because they all seemed to parrot the same worn out arguments about democracy and 'what would I do then?' Etc. I got tired of being brow beaten and repeating myself all the time. I don't know how we can change things on a deep down level. But that is no reason why we as a species shouldn't be actively trying to figure out new ways to govern ourselves that don't follow this predatory model of poverty creation. Clearly democracy is the most stable form of government to have been developed in the last few millennia, but democratic capitalism is most definitely not, if only for the way it is systematically destroying the planet. Multinational corporations and the capital imperative is the poison in the chalice to my mind, take the capitalism out of the democratic process and we may have a very different picture. But that's not how it works, business lobbies government and to all intent and purpose we have a society held to ransom by big business.

Ha ha, I've entered rant mode but it's these types of thoughts and frustrations that inspired this poem. Thanks for reading @edouard, glad you enjoyed the poem :-)


Not just society--governments held ransom. If you read Adam Smith, the so-called father of capitalism, he warned about unhealthy alliances between governments and businesses, alliances that work to the detriment of the general public. Democracy does not imply capitalism. And naked, unfettered capitalism, can destroy democracy. That's what I think, anyway. Please rant. Someone has to.