
I love how you addressed this challenge, with unapologetic anti-capitalism. Did someone say empathy? Gimme some!

Yeah... it is a sad fact that governments are complicit and individuals are mainly unaware or uncaring of the human cost of misery and poverty that is the price for our consumerist driven global capitalist model. I stopped talking about this type of thing with friends because they all seemed to parrot the same worn out arguments about democracy and 'what would I do then?' Etc. I got tired of being brow beaten and repeating myself all the time. I don't know how we can change things on a deep down level. But that is no reason why we as a species shouldn't be actively trying to figure out new ways to govern ourselves that don't follow this predatory model of poverty creation. Clearly democracy is the most stable form of government to have been developed in the last few millennia, but democratic capitalism is most definitely not, if only for the way it is systematically destroying the planet. Multinational corporations and the capital imperative is the poison in the chalice to my mind, take the capitalism out of the democratic process and we may have a very different picture. But that's not how it works, business lobbies government and to all intent and purpose we have a society held to ransom by big business.

Ha ha, I've entered rant mode but it's these types of thoughts and frustrations that inspired this poem. Thanks for reading @edouard, glad you enjoyed the poem :-)

Not just society--governments held ransom. If you read Adam Smith, the so-called father of capitalism, he warned about unhealthy alliances between governments and businesses, alliances that work to the detriment of the general public. Democracy does not imply capitalism. And naked, unfettered capitalism, can destroy democracy. That's what I think, anyway. Please rant. Someone has to.

most awesome poem ever!

Thanks @evecab. I'm glad you enjoyed the poem and if you wanna see my political views/frustrations that inspired this poem check out the comment above. It just makes me sick knowing that this type of thing (child labor etc) is such a normal part of western business models.

This is AMAZING. Seriously deep, gut wrenching topic that you managed to tackle with an intensity and poetry that is stunning. Great post!

Thanks @byn. I'm glad you enjoyed the poem and if you wanna see my political views/frustrations that inspired this poem check out the comment at the top of the comments section. It just makes me sick knowing that this type of thing (child labor etc) is considered acceptable and that big business is allowed to getaway with it with the justification of keeping the share holders happy.

Wow! That went to a level I wasn't expecting, great job!

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Thanks @freedomtowrite. I'm glad you enjoyed the poem and if you wanna see my political views/frustrations that inspired this poem check out the comment at the top of the comments section. It just makes me sick knowing that this type of thing (child labor etc) is considered acceptable and that big business is allowed to get away with it with the justification of keeping the share holders happy. Something has to change!

This is so powerful and poignant. Thank you for sharing. Wonderful use of the prompt.

Thanks @wandrnrose7. The poem sort of came to me in a rush of blood to the head, my fingers were flying over the keyboard for this one. Sometimes there is a magical 5 min prompt which just takes a hold of you and it was like that with this. I'm glad you enjoyed it, cheers for reading :-)

I love when the muse hits so hard! I'm happy it flowed for you!

Well done! How long did that take you? Very well organized and effective, but also very fluid, as though it poured out of you. You're not hectoring--you're nudging. Fifth stanza drives it home.

Thanks @agmoore. The poem took 5 minutes to write but as I often do with the freewrite prompts I spent around an hour afterwards editing, tweaking and crafting it into something that I'm happy to publish. I was pleased with this poem in the end. You're right it did flow out of me naturally and it didn't need much editing stylistically, word choice, verse structure etc. Most of my hour editing was taken up recording it and styling the markdown etc. Glad you enjoyed, thanks for checking out my blog :-)

You seem to be a regular here :)
Your poem was chosen for the Freewrite House Poetry Digest

Your post has been curated by @freewritehouse in our Freewrite Favorites, Volume #10 Thank you for participating in our freewrite challenge!

Great and sobering poem. Makes me ashamed of my 40% off rug purchase :( For the most part I do buy at the thrift-stores in order to get those designer items for $2.50 on their half-off sales, but we probably all have room to consume a little less.

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