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RE: Drama that dreamt itself into being (original poetry)

in #dsound6 years ago

The sound does not speak:
The world is a song unsung.
The faces do not weep:
Life is a river that bathes itself.

A very efficient use of paradox really, you've advanced your Style of Writing, in face these days, it's even more sophisticated, I agree with you that sometimes those words are the only things that alows for the right expression and the right imageties.

Infact, I was thinking, you've even become more simpler with your vocabularies just because of popular demands if people to tell you their meaning.

From the first day if your writing poems here, I connected with your poems because it's so spiritual like it connects deep with my soul in another level.

This one is quite the best I read this week, it really do show that there are unfinished business where people thinks the world is done.

Really you are the best here

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