in #dsound7 years ago (edited)

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Let's make REAL conversation, say EXACTLY what we are thinking, HAVE FUN and be REALISTICALLY inspiring about life...




Hi Lovelies,

I would like to steal your attention for a few minutes to
get some feedback from you please...

I have been toying with the idea of starting a podcast
and before I jump off a cliff into a reservoir with no water,
I would like to use this post to gauge a couple of things…
specifically being…

  • Would this be something that you would be interested in listening to and engaging with?
  • What sort of questions are going to come into the comments section to kick off with?

Right, so… here’s the background and the “proposed” concept:



I suppose you could say that “problem solving”, “self-motivating” and general organisation are three things which are relatively strong character traits of mine and have always come pretty naturally to me. I often find that people gravitate towards me when it comes to seeking answers for their questions or simply for general advice. No, I have no qualifications in this respect and I am not a psychologist but, I do have an exceptionally enquiring mind, I am a very keen observer and have always had a natural knack for reading situations, assessing them and finding the easiest and quickest route to a solution.

Some time back I made a decision that I wanted to positively influence other people in their lives through what I have learnt on my own journey so far and for those of you that follow my blog on Steemit, you will know the extent of those “things” in my life haha! I wanted to assist them in untying knots, finding solutions to problems and extending practical, realistic and attainable inspiration and motivation when and where it was needed. – And that desire still rings very true within me.

At the time, being stuck owning and running the business that I was, I didn’t have the availability or any real idea of how I could move this concept forward. I knew I wanted to do it, but was completely clueless as to how to implement it and turn it from a thought process into a reality.

I took one step, and that was to decide on a name and then register that domain. My eventual decision was “ROCK YOUR WORLD”. I loved the enthusiasm of the name and I liked the fact that it kept it open to varied subject matter. Although, whilst my intentions were good, I never did really end up utilising it for what I had initially intended…

At the time I was still playing editor and designer to an e-zine which I had launched called “Inspire” and so I found that the focus of the brand “Rock Your World” began being predominantly denoted to product, people and venue reviews. It worked and was well received by the public, but it was not what I had “felt” or intended for the name moving forward… so needless to say, my enthusiasm died quickly, the concept eventually fell by the wayside and became somewhat dormant. I also eventually let the magazine go too, as I just found that compiling a 60 – 70 page publication alone, over and above running my business, was simply too much!

A few years ago, I re-entered the realm of blogging. It felt SO good to write again! But eventually – I began to feel like my voice and messages were not reaching the audience intended for them. They were drowning in oceans of “like for like” and “comment for comment” threads. They really served no purpose there and yet again, I lost my enthusiasm.

Then, I joined Steemit – and suddenly, I felt like my writing had a voice!! It was honestly the most invigorating feeling and it instantaneously FUELED ME! I have been on the Steemit platform for approx. 7 months now, and through the inspirations of several of my “family members” on our Steemit Bloggers Discord Server, as well as an interview I recently had with @mastermind – I began thinking that moving forward with the “ROCK YOUR WORLD” concept as a podcast on Dsound, would actually be the IDEAL avenue for what I originally wanted to do!

When I came up with the concept of “Rock Your World” and the tag line attached to it, which I still use on my Steemit bio… “Let's make REAL conversation, say EXACTLY what we are thinking, HAVE FUN and be REALISTICALLY inspiring about life..

…my vision was to cross a multitude of topics – answer many a question, inspire people, motivate them… perhaps get under their skin a little if necessary (yes, I am pretty brutal in my honesty at times) and to simply EXPLORE not only the people I encountered, but myself simultaneously!




I want to get stuck into talking about life!
Be it good, bad, exciting, stressing,

I don't care how ridiculous you may feel the question...

I want to speak to the REAL YOU!
I want EVERY PERSON to REMEMBER how valuable their role is to the intrinsic whole –
and for that reason, would like to try and re-ignite the passion
and enthusiasm which I KNOW lays within each and EVERY one of us!!!!!

My primary intention is to focus on “life problem solving” but, is by no means limited to such – so honestly speaking, I am open to pretty much ANY conversation, question or problem... except religion and politics lol… I get forced to listen to enough of those conversations and questions at our family get togethers hahaha! – But other than that… If I can answer it I will. If I can’t, I will say so!

So, on that note – whether it be related to family, work, relationships, childhood, parenting, blogging, business… whatever - If you have a question, problem or challenge… a KNOT that you would like untied – then I would at least like to TRY and assist with that. Perhaps what I respond with only offers you 10% of the solution, but that is 10% more than you had before.


So, this is where your feedback comes in - I would like to know who is:

(A) Interested in simply posing questions via comments and having them answered on the podcast, and
(B) Who would prefer to pose their question/s in a recorded conversation between both of us (which would be published) where we can truly DIG into the question/s and get to know one another at the same time.

As a means of assessment, can you please post your preference…
ie. (A) or (B) and then your question/s into the comments section.

And as mentioned in the beginning,
I would also just like to know if this sort of podcast series
is something that you would enjoy following and engaging with?

REALLY looking forward to see what you peeps have to say!

Now let’s hear those QUESTIONS!!!!!!!

And hear what you have to say in general!

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Hi @jaynie it's great to hear your voice. I read your blog. You are a good writer. Now I got chance to hear your podcast. Absolutely you should go forward. It is amazing to hear you on dsound. Cheers!!!

YAY! Thank you @steemero!!!! That really means the world to me! I honestly DO want to go ahead with this, so I truly hope that I get some positive feedback on it! Thank you for being the first of that!!! :)

Hi, @jaynie I want to join your community Steemitbloggers. My discord username is thedaud#9701. It will be your great pleasure to me.

Hehehehehe!!!! Love you angel!!!! NOW WHERES MY QUESTION!!! lol 😛😛 and dont do a "jaynie" on me hey.... hahahaha 😉😎😁

LMAO! Done - I left it on your most recent (AWESOME!) podcast! 😊

Really like the idea...particularly the HONEST part. So much around us--be it in media, entertainment, even podcasts, and EVEN HERE ON STEEMIT at times--is just near-meaningless repetition of current buzzwords. I would definitely listen, interact, and pose questions!

AWESOME!!! Super thrilled to hear that!!! Thank you @scotters!!! :) So.... got any questions? ;) listened on drive after leaving client's office.

First: I could listen to your voice all day long. And to be teasingly blunt to you in response to your comment about hating listening to your voice: SHUT UP. (But don't actually shut up!)

I could go with A or B...though B might be harder to schedule with time differences. I think ultimately B would be the best format, but even working up to it would be fine and understandable.

What would I like to hear? Personally, I'd love to hear more initially about YOU, your experiences, and what's shaped you to be who you are. It would also give listeners a great foundation for understanding and trust. I'd also love to hear your cut-through-the-crap in a couple of scenarios of how it seems many people live: either building silos in their lives (work, home, kids, etc, where they try (and ultimately fail) to keep them separate) or living their day-to-day lives by something as spurious and changing as their feelings.

I think that you'll end up with a great base of listeners!

wow!! Just wow!!! Hehe. Ill take that compliment and Run if its all the same to you @scotters 😉 thank you!!

As for the logistics of option B... yeah, that would definitely come into play so perhaps those "live chat sessions" can be intermittent.... will have to play that one by ear.

I REALLY love your idea of sharing more of me directly because trust is pivotal when it comes to a person exposing parts of themselves... so i am very grateful for that idea. With regards to the cutting through the crap side of things, well... thats the FUN part lol... for me anyway!!! So yes, thank you so much!! You have really given me a lot of food for thought and this was precisely the kind of feedback i was after!!! Happy dance!!! 😁😎

Absolutely a compliment. I love accents in general, but yours is a little different than other SA ones I've heard there's a hint of English in there as well. :-)

hahahaha!!! I get told that quite often.... must be the snob in me :P lol

Oh, I will. After work. ;-)

YAY!!!!! 😎

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if no one else invites you, please no that we are looking and wanting more dj's on our show. If you love the podcast life than you are made for radio. Think about it, message me on this discord if you are curious to learn more. :)

I also want to work with dsound. But I do not have any idea about this. If someone gave me an idea about this, I would have benefited very much.

beautiful person hehehe :-) upvote and resteem @jaynie

Wow.....very nice.i like this music..all the best....

You have a beautiful voice.

It hurts that I can only read English, I do not understand it well when I hear it: C

Great music sis..Keep it up...

Though still got Issues with you, forgive me. You got nice podcast there

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