My Steem Super Stars: An Interview with @Olegw

in #dsound7 years ago (edited)


@oleg is an awesome ambassador of Steem and has created some excellent professional videos promoting steem and is putting them on DTube, I will be including some links to his more recent ones here, be sure to give them some upvotes in appreciation for his time, dedication and brilliant answers to this interview.

You can visit his Steemit Profile here:


Helen: For my Steem Superstars, I've been contacting my favorite Steemians and asking if I can pick their brains about Steem. I'm really happy that today @olegw has agreed to an interview. Can you tell me a little bit more about yourself, Oleg?

Oleg: Let me start from the beginning. I'm born in Croatia and grew up in many places because my father's a painter, and he not give us stable in one place, so we moved from place to place, always a nice place on coast. On the latest, we moved to Israel, so I did the army there and came back to Croatia for studies.

I studied law, but I start to work on Croatian television as a journalist, so I switch law for the journalism. I finished journalism and worked for 15 years for Croatian national TV, on children's sports show, celebrity show, home decorating show, many different categories of TV formats. Right now, I'm owner of small bit of production, specialized for the corporate movies, conferences and stuff like that, making promotional movies for that.

And just lately, I mean, not lately, it's already two years, I discovered crypto world through Steemit


Helen: How did you find out about Steemit, and how long have you been on Steemit?

Oleg: I forget to mention that I have twin girls, and the father of their school colleague is into crypto and into Steemit. He's investor, not the content creator, but he was telling me that it could be interesting for me because I'm journalist, I'm writing stuff, I can produce video content.

So he discovered me Steemit, and the early stage I have really good start, I made few video posts and was pretty successful. After that, I don't know why, but I stopped. For half a year, I didn't post anything. And I came back just for a look, and from then I'm in love with Steemit and obsessed with Steemit and hooked all the way.


Helen: I know the feeling. What did you do before Steemit?

Oleg: I was never into social networks like Facebook. I was always lazy to do my posts, even to give likes to my friends. So I didn't find the social network as something for me. I'm more social type, because through my job I have to be a lot of time out of home, mingling with people.

I'm more like eye-to-eye meeting people outside. But through Steemit, it's very friendly. People are welcoming, so I start to like it. Nowadays, I have to be more at home. When you render the video, you have free time. So I always jump to Steemit to see posts and reading something interesting. This is, for me, it was comfortable with me work to spend time on Steemit.


Helen: Hearing that, would you say Steemit has changed your life in any way?

Oleg: Pretty much. The important thing is to mention here that I got involved almost all my closest family in Steemit. I mean, my wife is finally here. First, she was complaining what I'm doing all the time here and why I spend so much time here, I'm not concentrating on the children, on daily tasks.

But she's early Steemian now, newbie, but she start to like it too. So at least I have peace at home with my wife.

And my two sisters-in-law are in. My mother-in-law just made an account. I mean, I made one post about how I got infected all my family with Steam It. It was maybe one month ago. It's a very interesting post. I like this one.

How I Got My Family Infected with Steemit


Helen: What's the one thing that you wished you knew at the beginning of your Steemit journey, or Steem journey?

Oleg: It's hard question. I mean, I read a lot about how to behave on Steemit, what to do or what not to do. I wished that before I start that someone would explain me that this, I mean, they are not rules, but we all know what we're talking about, kind of talk to use, how to comment, how to write a post. I mean, I had to discover a lot by myself. Nowadays, I think it's easier than two years ago.

Helen: Yes, I think it is a little bit easier now.

Oleg: I mean, there's a lot of posts about how to behave, what to do, what are first steps. We had to discover everything from the beginning. But this has a charm too.


Helen: Yeah. What three pieces of advice would you give a newbie Steemian just starting out?

Oleg: To be persistent, to be constant in their opinion, I mean, not as the wind blows they turn their opinions. I see a lot of this lately. And to try to read. I'm not sure that everybody read the whole post. I'm not good at writing in English, so I'm not writing many sentences, many words. I try to explain myself to reader.

Okay, some people express themselves through photos. You cannot always express yourself best in writing. But I think that my followers know what I think about some things and what I'm all about, even if I don't write too much. Did I answer?

Helen: Yeah. Just kind of be you and be genuine.

Oleg: Sorry, again please.

Helen: Your advice would be to be you and to be genuine.

Oleg: To be genuine, yes. That's the most, most important for me. You don't have to be only to be constant on one topic or one issue, but to be genuine.

Helen: Yeah.

Oleg: I'm mostly into video, but I try to talk in a variety of posts, think that the post can open a discussion, or to hear opinions, not only express their opinion. To leave a question and to invite people to comment, not in the sense of follow me, comment please, comment please. No, just through the post you can do that.

Helen: So interaction is important to you?

Oleg: Yes.


Helen: Are there any tools are apps that make your life on Steemit easier?

Oleg: Yes. I like to use Steem World, Steem Now. Mostly, there are those two. I joined Discord just lately, and it's something fine. I don't know how much it's connected to Steemit, but it is. These three, I can make them more important to me.


Helen: Do you have a Steemit related project you're working on? If so, can you tell me a bit more about it?

Oleg: Not really. Maybe you remember my project with Logos, the national community Logos. When I first came here, I was amazed that people from all around the world are in Steemit and different cultures, so it was something interesting for me.

This is why I started this initiative. Now are some fun initiatives. If you watch the movie Amelie, the French movie Amelie, they are getting postcards from all around the world. I can run Babydoll Hand, which has Steam It on it, and I would like to send to Steemians all around the world to take photo.

Why a Hand? Because you can put bottle of wine or flower. To take photo with this Steemit Hand, with Eiffel Tower, London Bridge, Sydney Opera House, just to travel the world, small item to send.

And it can be after that I can make a movie, video movie, for that. It can be interesting. Just I need people who would like to accept this item, take a photo on the landmark of that town, country, and send it further.

Helen: I see.

Oleg: It can be something like that. This is what I'm thinking. I didn't start it yet, but this is what it think when I talk to my friends and family now about my projects. This I find very interesting one.

Helen: I also noticed that you' are putting your YouTube videos up onto D-Tube as well.

Oleg: Yes. I have a lot of YouTube accounts. When I was doing these TV shows, I always managed the YouTube channels. So I have about 10 YouTube channels, my private one, from my firm now, and these ones I made for the television shows.

When I started to upload videos for my posts, Steam posts, I realized that I have over 50 or more YouTube videos with Steemit or Steem or related. When I discovered DTube as a part of DTube application ... I forget about DTube on the first place, and then you asked me about application. DTube is the one that I use most.

Helen: That's okay.

Oleg: I decided to transfer all of them to YouTube and to shut down my YouTube channel with all Steemit format because it's much better place to be on DTube.


Helen: Do you have any additional advice that might help people see more success with Steemit or Steem?

Oleg: Advice? I try to tell my wife, she's new one here, so this is what I will tell to everyone new, to be persistent, I don't know if you have to be expert on the topic you write about, but to ask for interaction on the topic you are interested for.

Because I realize that there are a lot of clever people with a lot of expertise, with lot of talents, with lot of talents. They can help and they can give you answers on your topics. You don't have to be pretend to be an expert when you write the post. Just be you, genuine. Sometimes I read better comments on my posts than what my post is about. And I'm happy when something like that happens.


Helen: Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Oleg: Not that I can think of right now.

Helen: Okay. Well, thank you very much, Oleg.

Oleg: Thank you.

Helen: It's good information.

Oleg: I'm glad you choose me to talk with.


My Steem Super Stars so far...


Tell me why you think you would make a good Steem Super Star and the next interview could be you!


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Free daily crypto: Swift Coins

My STEEM Success Strategy (not free):Post 2 Profit


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My husband💗 and my Steemit guru :)

You're lucky and go ahead with the rule be persistent.
By @r-k-m

Nice to meet you, you lucky lady.

Men that actually matters here on steemit 🙌👏

He does an awesome job

So rightly said there are so many smart,clever people out here on Steem , that they can really give thr perspective on things and give diverse meaning to one logic .. this is amazing

It's great how you get so many diverse answers to the same question, we can all learn from one another.

Thank you@hopehuggs.. It really means a lot coming from you

Being new on SteemIt I find this kind of interview really helpful. Seems like the mantra for being successful on SteemIt is the same for just about anything you want to try... be persistent! But I also really liked his added bit of advice, to be genuine!

Yes Oleg offers some really good advice and persistence is key for sure. Definitely good to be yourself.

The best advice to get success here or anywhere is persistence. It's true.

Though he doesn't feel easy to write in English, he constantly posts and expresses his thoughts in words and highly in videos.

I don't know why I am not comfortable with discord. I am with dtube happily, but discord? I expect a helpful post for discord usage and benefits @hopehuggs or from @olegw

By @r-k-m

Sounds a good idea for a post @r-k-m, I'll write one up over the weekend and will be sure to tag you.

Thank you for this opportunity to present my thoughts of Steemit. It was nice talking to you.

Hi @olegw, I'm trying to format it to look nicer too, but my screenshot software has given up the ghost, but it will look even nicer in a bit.

It was a pleasure too, talking to you.

steemit has changed so many lifes and some have made it more beautiful for others too this is a great post thanks for sharing

Oleg has definitely helped make Steemit a more beautiful place (with the gifs and videos and Steemit love)

this interview was brilliant to listen amazing star he is :)

He is a Steemit star for sure.

it is great olegw is a nice person will follow him thanks for sharing

Oleg is a really decent guy, yes

It is very rare this days to find someone like @olegw that really
have passion for the steemit platform.I thank him a lot for all
his efforts that will benefit all steemians.

Yes his love for Steemit shows, it is infectious.

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