Storytellers [02] - A Stalker in Tulum

in #dsound7 years ago (edited)

Gather 'Round the Fire!

I have a story to tell that's sure to astonish!! Ok, maybe not astonish, but at least entertain. Let's go with entertain (and maybe creep out).

There are certain songs I have written that are directly influenced by experiences in my life. I don't do this very often, but for the songs I have which do have some backstory, I've decided to include the story along with the song. This post and my first post in the series feature brand new, never before heard songs, so you also get to hear some new music.

This song (and at least one more I'll tell about) was inspired by my trip to Mexico last summer. I've written a lot about that trip here, and also made music inspired by it. That trip was kind of a big deal in my life, somewhat life changing and bitter sweet. It was such an amazing experience, but also the last time I saw my ex girlfriend, whom I love dearly (still do and probably always will). I won't get sappy with you guys about all that, but there's a little back story on why I talk so much about my Mexican adventure. It was an important moment in my life. Anyways......

This song was inspired by an interesting experience I had in Tulum. My ex and I were staying at her friend's house while there. It was an awesome location in the city, and a bike ride away from Mayan ruins and the beach. Her friend has one roommate and a chihuahua. Very very beautiful women, and that's a good start for the story. Men are creeps. Sometimes they don't know how to take a hint....

On one of the days my ex and I had gotten back from an excursion, we found the house empty. We began listening to music and chatting when someone came over to the window. Since it is so hot in Tulum, some houses like this one don't have glass windows on all windows. The front windows had bars and so we could hear the dude as he was talking to us. Having bad Spanish, I couldn't really tell what he wanted, but my ex seemed to be telling him to go away. After he left, she told me he was asking for the roommate, and wanted to be let in so he could wait for her to get home. She told him no and to try again later. He had a sketchy feeling about him.

She called the roommate and told her the dude was looking for her, and the roommate thanked us for not letting him in, as he certainly wasn't welcome. Apparently he had met her at her work and somehow found out where she lived. This certainly wasn't the last we would see of this creeper. Sure enough, he was back again not long after, this time asking where she was. My ex told him a lie to get him to go away, and also send him to a completely wrong location. Soon after that the ladies returned, and we began drinking a little and continued listening to music. It was dark, and so rather difficult to see out, but we heard a voice call for the roommate.

Here we go again.

We don't let him in, and the roommate talks to him through the gate. He was clearly uninvited, but was very adamant about being let in to chill with us. We weren't having it, and insisted he leave. The ladies were being very clear he was being creepy, and I tried doing what I could to explain he really needed to leave. This time when he left, we were pretty sure he wouldn't come back......

We were wrong....

It gets really late, and so the lady and I retired to her friends room, as she let us use her bedroom for our stay. A couple other guys were called over because the ladies were understandably startled. As we start to get cozy and sleepy in the back room, I look over out the window, and see the silhouette of a man standing right in the window gazing at us! It scared the shit out of me, and I immediately jumped out of the bed, yelling at the guy and to everyone in the house "he's still here and watching us!!"

The two other guys and myself all ran outside to where he was and checked around the house. He was gone. This time we called the police. They made some patrols around the neighborhood a few times, but we were all pretty uneasy about what had happened. I had never felt so violated. Even though we weren't really doing anything other than sleeping, it was the weirdest feeling to know someone was just watching us. We closed the blinds on the window this time, and one of the girls wrote a note and taped it from the outside that mentioned about how they have cousins who know who he is and he should never return, or else. The town is pretty small, and I was so surprised how ballsy that guy was to do something like that.

As far as I know, the dude never returned. Being a man, we don't really experience stuff like that too much. It was pretty scary even though this guy wasn't big or intimidating. It was just really super creepy. I got to see first hand what isn't very uncommon of a happening to women. Stay strong ladies! Don't be afraid to be more assertive even if you think you will hurt someone's feelings. I don't know the extent of why that guy went to those lengths, and who knows, maybe she was very direct and that made him mad.

We'll never know.

Anyways, that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it! As far as the song goes, I have random audio recordings from the night of this affair in the background. I basically recorded the whole night. You can't really hear the guy because he was outside the whole time, and you can't make out anything we are saying either, but knowing where the audio is from brings meaning for me. I made the song extra loomy, and there is some live thunder and crickets I recorded to make it seem like a sketchy night. This song will eventually get a sung version from a singer I'm working with, @emilystrange. Definitely be on the lookout for that! Buuuuut I wanted to show you guys the rough instrumental version, and tell you the story behind it. I hope you enjoyed it! At the very least I now have this as a way to remember the occurrence.

Have you ever experienced a sketchy encounter like this?!?! Chime in in the comments.

For a less serious/creepy and more humorous story paired with a song, Here is the first installment in the series.


Break on Through


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sounds good....youve been doing a lot of experimental type beats

I have like musical ADD lol. Always doing something new and different. Thanks for peeping my dude!

lol thought so....but that's good to try all kinds of new things

Honing my art ;)

Awesome your post(Falseyedols)thanks

Thank you! One day my post will be awesome enough to earn your upvote ;)

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