
I dream of that beach, or Santa Monica too . The area seems just so inspiring. We talking so much about moving out somewhere, and that would be a spot where I thrive as an artist. We looking at Canada too :)

Have you been on the Santa Cruz Island?
"All good things" I am taking notes

Santa Cruz Island? I just looked it up, didn’t even know it existed so, nope, never been there. I can’t tell you how many thousands of times I’ve been to Santa Cruz, though, one of the dirtiest cities along our entire west coast if not the dirtiest. Not a place to raise kids. I’ve been up and down this coast between San Diego (that’s Coronado Bridge) and Trinidad (my grandparents took me here every year as a kid to fish) for decades, Santa Cruz is the filthiest.

Put it this way, when I go to Santa Cruz, I’m on the look out for Needles, they’re abundant on the ground. LA, too, don’t get me wrong but only in the middle of the city or in the alleys. Santa Cruz, I’ve seen a couple shoot up while leaning against the entrance door to a 7-11 convenient store.

I would recommend LA, second would be Seattle, Washington. I think about you all the time down here dude, I don’t think you understand how easy it is for a musician to get gigs here. It’s Los Angeles, it’s pub/coffee joint city and they all have stages. We have a few extra bicycles, we could just go peddle for no more than two hours, not even holding a guitar and have you a gig.

First place I’m thinking is right down the street at Alex’s Bar it’s a dope spot! Biggest act I’ve seen perform there was slaughterhouse and I’ve known the dudes running the joint forever it seems.

(I dig these conversations, Ed, even if I’m doing all of the rambling)

Going to gig with a bicycle gonna remind me of Paris, except the drummer always had to carry his drums by the Metro (underground train).
Yeah I am sure there's probably lots of place looking for an acoustic act, maybe that's what I should do book few places and try to go for a while, get an airbnb , and keep on earning online too of course :)
I don't mind doing covers for a while as a bread winner i guess... I could even busk on one of those dirty streets that you mentioned.
I know it sounds like I am joking a little, but I am not really, we full open minded at the moment and not overlooking any opportunities!
It just seems easier to get visas in Canada, you know what I mean?

Actually, I don’t know what you mean as far as visas for USA vs Canada. I can imagine, though, the documentation I’ve had to provide and have handy to gain residency in Central America is astounding. ‘No wonder nobody else is doing it!’

Don’t take this the wrong way, I, personally, get a little irritated when someone asks me ‘what’s wrong’ after looking at a text. I’m always like “nah.. I’m good, how can you get that from antext anyway?!”

Eh, you good?

Yeah all good, but I don't know if you noticed the crypto world is going to shit!
So it's all about earning some of that precious fiat while it's going back up...
So as I said I am opening my mind to other offers that I wouldn't have had in the first place

Crypto? Huh? Nah... I have no idea what you’re talkin about, I’ve never heard of the stuff.

As for the other.

Glad to see that you speak latin fluently
Sit vis vobiscum

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