DrugWars: Battle System Revised

in #drugwars6 years ago

I'll give a full upvote to anyone who provides new information about how the @drugwars battle system works.

I'm on full tilt right now. I've been selling out all my accounts for days. I've been building my armies across six accounts and throwing money at the heist constantly so that I wouldn't be a target.

Now, the battle system has been changed without warning and I've lost 4 of my 6 armies... AGAIN. So fucking annoyed right now.



Take these old battles for example. It's very obvious that my Ninja struck one time and killed 5 bouncers in one hit. I was counting on this and was building all the good units on all my accounts, thinking they would easily kill a zerg rush coming my way.

  • Big mama
  • Bazooka Guy
  • Merc

Well, guess what happened? Overkill happened.



So now you can kill a Merc and only lose a single Rowdy.
Thanks for letting us know this was happening @drugwars... lol.

Expect the battle system to change multiple times more in the future.
There is still a lot of stuff that makes zero sense.


Take this old battle for example... If my sniper has a long range and a ninja is melee, and my sniper can kill the ninja in one shot, then why did my sniper die?

It's impossible to save up any resources to make the good buildings... pretty annoying. Not as annoying as this game turning into battle of the rowdy armies.


By the way, I was thinking this new statistic was how much supply the unit would cost because they were talking about capping the supply back when battles returned to the game. In fact, this number is how big the inventory of the unit is. When battles first opened, a single rowdy could steal the full 30% from a player. That got exploited pretty hard. Now you have to win with a large force to steal a good amount of resources. Super Bouncers are the best unit to stack in this regard because they are cheap and can carry 400 of each resource back to your base.

Stock up on Rowdy units. A single rowdy with 2 armor now absorbs the 145 damage blast from a bazooka guy... because why would a bazooka guy do AOE or trample damage?

:D so tilted.

If you have any info about how the @drugwars battle system works, please comment below.


Hi don @edicted,

my current guesstimate for the battle system is this:
There is no algo but just a simple matching process...

For me it looks like as if it takes the range units first and pairs them with the adversaries melee units.
For each pair kill or no kill is calculated.
Then it takes the remaining melees and pairs them with everything still standing and again for each pair kill or no kill is calculated...

.. and it seems that if a bazooka guy hits a rowdy there is the one kill.. and that's it..

From my observation of what you and others posted this makes the most sense...

.. and actually that kind of system of course makes no sense at all...

that's why I asked the creators to reveal some insights...

They really need to implement safe houses for units. Without safe houses you can't turtle in, you can't make a decent army size, you are left to defend alone against cartel wolves. Safe houses are a must!

Battles are fucking stupid now. My entire army wiped out and other guy lost a few

yeah my @lottoshi account got wiped and I only killed 41 rowdy... which is exactly how many units I had... 41. so each one got a single shot off and died. Massive overkill on stupid rowdy units.

That really sucks, but it seems like changes like this are good for them. Make a small tweek to "balance" the game and your army is suddenly useless.

Not saying they are doing that because of said reason, just havent been able to get very excited about this game yet. Hoping that changes one say, but until then Im enjoying reading all your updates to keep me informed on what is going on :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah, I'm glad I saw this... everything was fine on my alt like I mentioned yesterday, and now I've just been attacked 10 times since I last checked.. I won the first fight and then have just been ransacked every time since...

My main hasn't been touched, but I was probably a bit overzealous in defense in the days leading up to battles being reopened. Curious to know why my main hasn't been attacked but my alt has... how do these attackers know my defense values... when I look for targets I can only see their production...

when I look for targets I can only see their production...

Really? Maybe your front end is bugged.
Works for me.

Ahhhhh, sorry, I've never actually clicked on the actual user before. I see it now. Thanks.

Yeah, the battle system is fux0red. There's no 30% limit on resources taken above the silo safe amount. I've had 100% of everthing above that limit extracted.

Can't even comment on actual unit dynamics. It's opaque, nonsensical, and a waste of money IMHO.

Also, there's no shield. Nothing stops attackers from serially attacking. I've suffered ten or more attacks during one shift at work.

Not putting any more attention on this game until there's a way to surrender without losing expensive units to a force you cannot defeat. There's no point. Once your army's gone, you can't build it back up and prevent it from being destroyed.

Before you say "spend cash on units." There are armies on which literally $1000s were spent. It's unrealistic to expect that 99.999% of people are going to spend on that level.

Presently, it's a walk for the big spenders. Once they've slaughtered your army, you become a mark for every lesser attacker out there, and there's no effective shield.

I'll ignore the game for the time being. I may stop by once a day to see if I have anything to throw at the heist, but until there's a meaningful way to keep from having your units killed without a means of simply not fighting when attacked, there's no point to playing the game at all.


Oh shit

I hope my alts survive till Im home

Posted using Partiko Android

Hopefully I saved you some trouble.
Tell me the names of your alts so I can attack them. :D

Ngc is one of em

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, my sides are broken.

It now really depends on battles if the game will survive in this form..

Posted using Partiko Android

I am glad I did not get too involved as I would have been in a hole right now! Look forward to seeing how this progresses with all the updates!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well, I've made some scratch on the game. But I'm not going to lose that to stupid battles. I'm gonna sit on my infrastructure, be a cash cow for raiders, and wait until they fix the battles.

If they don't soon, I'll just move on.

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