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RE: ADHD medication and the face of the new American generation (NSFW material included)

in #drugs7 years ago

I was a ritalin child myself , but had to quit cold turkey when the rush became too much . My family doctor at the time advised against me going off the ritalin in such a way , but ; i couldnt handle being stoned all the time . I took ritalin for 6 years from 7-13 being 34 now i still have the occasional craving . I will never give that stuff to my child in any form , at the same time i dont blame my parents , because thats what the doctor had thought best for me and my filks only wanted just that . Thanks for the wicked post Rebecca !


A hundred years from now we'll look back on Ritalin like we currently look back on lobotomies.

Definatly , im one of the lucky ones that was able to decide for myself to get off the stuff , some arent so lucky and are forced to stay on it , or ; will be kicked out of school . Ritalin and the likes should not be handed out to every child that has a bad day . In fact it is an amphetamine and is so addictive that i shouldnt be given to anyone .

Certainly shouldn't be forced on anyone. I worry that parents put too much trust in 'experts', and don't listen to that little voice. You know the one.
"Don't give children amphetamines", it whispers.

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