Micro dosing psilocybin, fly agaric, LSD and its (physical | mental) health benefits AND government/drug companies hidden hand behind the curtain

in #drugs7 years ago

I've seen many articles and news (especially recently) on psychedelics and particularly depression. And they are good for that, however I also wanted to touch on the PHYSICAL beneficial side effects particularly in regards to micro dosing.


The reason I've narrowed this down to micro dosing vs medium - large doses is for a few reasons:

  • Some people aren't ready for higher doses, don't want to experience higher doses, and quite frankly shouldn't experience higher doses.
  • Higher doses are typically saved for a longer range between doses (ex. a few months - a few years in between doses), whereas micro doses can be used for its benefits every few days or once a week without loss of control or worry about ones set, setting, mental stability, or state of mind.
  • In higher doses, a person often doesn't have the perception to really understand how the experience is PHYSICALLY effecting the body, whereas in micro doses, you lose no control , and can really get a feel for how it works on the physical/mental in a positive way. In higher does a person is lost in the trip, and doesn't understand the feelings their body is reporting to their mind.

It's not just the psychological (trippy) benefits one can get through shrooms/LSD. You can feel the health benefits (i see less studies on this aspect). You can tell the disease fighting neurological and immune system benefits. Especially on micro doses I would say, because you still get the slight physical sensations but more in control...enough to be able to feel/tell what's going on with its effects on the body!


Cubensis mushrooms (psilocybin (shrooms)) and LSD are mostly what's talked about (recently) in the psychological and mental state health they can improve/repair, HOWEVER I believe there should be MORE research in regards to other actual health benefits (brain repair, neurological, immune system, cell activity, blood activity.

And really what it comes down to with ALL natural herbs, plants, trees, flowers, etc... is there's just not much research (BUT SHOULD BE MUCH MORE FOCUS ON!!) done in regards to natural medicines for a few reasons:

  • Drug companies and governments want people reliant depending on them. If a person can find something as simple as ginger or hot peppers (HINT HINT) to cure there cancer, people would start learning more about nature, their environment, and taking there health into their own hands!! This is part of the problem. People are lazy, they want to go see a "wizard" (a doctor) for a magic cure, without understanding what they're actually putting in their bodies. "Here, take this magic (the true drug dealers) pill and you'll be better (NOT)"


  • Drug companies would lose A LOT OF MONEY!! They're typically in the business of treating symptoms , not curing dis-eases. If dis-ease "1" has symptoms "A", "B", and "C".... doctors/drug companies can treat these symptoms over and over again and again with multiple medicines without actually fixing/curing the actual disease. In fact, the meds they give are often times 10x worse for the person and their original disease!! Go in to doctor with 1 problem, 6 months later, you've got 5 other problems (empty wallet not included hehe) :)


  • If they make all drugs legal like portugal and actually support the evidence of what natural medicines are doing for people, imagine how much more advanced and healthy EVERYONE would be??! People would growing their own food and medicine. It would wipe out a large portion of these greedy corporate entities that literally suck your life away.


What I really want to convey from this post is that psychedelics of different types, can be used and don't have to be seen as something to "go far out" with, or something that causes loss of control. I personally believe their benefts and capabilities are limited if seen from this mind state perspective. They DO have obvious physical/mental health benefits that are easily felt in the body on micro doses especially.

On a low dose, cubensis feel like actual medicine/supplement. What they REALLY feel like on a micro dose body effects are akin to that of a strong vitamin. You feel as if you've had a very strong potent vitamin, with high dose vit c/d/b, that is healing and strengthening your entire body from:

  • cellular (cells activity comes alive -LIGHTS UP!!-)
  • immune system strengthening
  • fights sickness and infection
  • hormones
  • lymph nodes
  • depression
  • energy levels
  • balance fatigue
  • regulate blood pressure
  • creativity and increased brain activity (micro doses included)
  • increased circulation and improved energy body

IMO micro dosing is "the best of both worlds" depending on goals. With micro dosing you the health benefits and meditative upbeat slight euphoric states with a refreshed clear headed focus without losing control. It is manageable to micro dose every few days with no issues. A microdose range for me is .1g - .3g. Anything above .3 of a gram, and the effects are getting to borderline break through and lack of concentration.

All the above effects I mentioned are of course there with higher doses, but you won't be able to distinguish many of them because of the level of intoxication. And micro doses, you barely feel any effects as far as mental impairment.

In fact, this is the primary use for me (micro dosing). It truly is used as a strong vitamin, healing, depression/anxiety aid without worrying about loss of control, losing time, using in the wrong set/settings, etc.

I would say those, that believe micro dosing is a waste of time, to open your minds up some and give it a try some times. Don't go into it thinking about "getting f---- up". Go into it as a meditative / healing just part of your normal day. Look at micro dosing as taking a strong nootropic/vitamin and do your normal productive daily things.


If you're interested in the benefits on psychedelics / cubensis , I invite you to check out my other article I wrote on the (health/psychological) benefits of OTHER mushroom type Fly Agaric or Amanita Muscaria !!!

Fly Agaric is way less talked about and way less known about (espeically in regards to its health benefits). Main stream conversation is mostly in regards to altered states of consciousness. Fly Agaric has different chemicals than what you get out of cubensis / shrooms, so there's different benefits physically and mentally, as well as different effects. And depending on a persons goals and things they want to heal or work on may determine what (if any) they should experiment with. But there's more that meets the eye :D


Here's a link to my Fly Agaric mushroom benefits article (I hope it's ok to link to that here?): https://steemit.com/health/@overcome/shamanic-holistic-health-benefits-mushrooms-fly-agaric-or-amanita-muscaria-rarely-talked-about-effects

CAUTION .... I DO NOT condone nor recommend any substance whatsoever. Be responsible, the above mentioned chemicals are TOOLS and nothing more. They are to be used as such. Not from a "lets get high" mentality. I am coming from a background of self healing a growth. These a very powerful substances, and if abused can potentially have life threatening or negative consequences for a very long time or forever. Tread carefully. Less is more IMO. And always do your research prior to anything.

THank you!! And I hope this was found useful by people! :D

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