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RE: A Tag to Welcome All Drug Content. What Do You Think?

in #drug6 years ago

vote.jpegpersonally as the profile says i think all content is allowed as long as it does not uses people forced against their will et al (that would exclude kitty pr0n for one tu.png)
If people like stuffing their head with cake and die obese while shooting insulin they can blog about it ...

if you catch my drift if im allowed to quote Henry Fonda on the matter

i think you will find your niche already present here but there's always people who get this silly idea they get to tell others what is good content and what is not ... i prefer the bubble universe, with or without a block button it seems to be forming slowly ... i never knew homesteading was so widespread today as since i found out how much its present here for instance, i think decent content on any kind of psycho-active substance is hard to find due to moral majority and pc-principal, not to mention ned flanders being worried baby jesus ears will bleed and kids will shoot up hi schools for watching Elmer Fudd uncensored hunting bugs.

I personally prefer my drug-related content objective with not too much 'activism' in it ... informing is not quite the same as advertising the benefits of use and its important to understand not everyone is capable of holding the line until it become Ab-use

that said, my meagre vote, i folllow back tit for tat if you do and the message gets through i'll be sure to resteem if its within my personal sphere of what i like on my feed (and i talk a lot ... but most of the time i dont)

i say dont hold back, just do your thang, in 7 billion people theres always gonna be at least one who cant handle what you're saying

its nowhere to be found these days, is it ?




I appreciate the input.

I wouldn't suggest telling any what to do with the tag and what I really mean is "not straight up spam" when I say "quality content" other than that and the type of abusive stuff you bring up, I would be fine with anything drug related being there.

I really just want to see a place were it is easier to find this sort of content without having to check six or eight tags. Plus it might help get more eyes on everyone's work if we all know where to look. If I see another tag that does that I will amend this to direct traffic to there.

I feel you on that ladt point for sure. I don't go out of my way to be a dick to anyone but I rarely care if offended them either. If one cares too much, they will lose everything that makes them themself in the attempt to please everyone else.

i wasnt implying that you would :) ... well then it looks like you found a hobby here hahah, be warned : education is a lifetime, not a job lol and also like my ex used to say : don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience .. but i doubt she came up with that herself ... its good to be appreciated btw ... i have a hard time holding back when people attack me too, like i said, its virtually impossible to not scare or offend anyone at all these days. The way of least resistance might simply be to just do one's thing and see what happens, plenty of marijuana talk already here as you'll find when you do a search, i havent seen too much on other "stufff" though ... people tend to be utterly careful fishing for that vote


truth, like celebrity status often lies in the eye of the beholder ... its also a three-edged sword that can cut both parties aimed at and the wielder or observer at the same time. Grand theory of social and verbal relativity (hmz ... maybe i DID do a bit too much acid that year hahah)


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