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RE: Re-think "Success"

I am so happy to hear that you think all this is interesting. And what you've shared is equally as interesting to me. I worked for a man that was manic depressive (in fact, my Love post, mentions his company in the news clipping). Probably one of the most interesting people I've ever met and what a story that man had! Whew! Vietnam Vet that ended up living on the streets of Miami (homeless and heroin addict) that ended up being saved by a nun, turned himself around and ended up being a millionaire within a year. He was a visionary of mass proportion/who was also a manic depressive. My husband and I spent many a night at work (many!) during his 'highs' trying to materialize his visions. During his lows, we wouldn't see him for weeks at a time. Very interesting story. So I do get what you are talking about and that is incredibly interesting that there might be a connection to the highs. Very possible! Sounds similar. The brain is very interesting and so is the 'where' inspiration comes from. I think we have just tapped the surface of this.

As to your question about balance. You know the body is an amazing chemical factor and it is quite possible that during the highs, you use up some of those chemicals and so your body has to replenish it. I say this because there was a very interesting NPR radio show I listened to decades ago where a man had a wife that spent her whole life with serious depression (in and out of hospitals), many suicide attempts until she finally succeeded. The couple had 10 kids together and the youngest child seemed to be showing signs of depression like his mother and was progressively worsening. This was something that ran on the mother's side of the family. Each member of the family had to stay with the youngest child 24/7 because he was trying to kill himself. The father was desperate to help him and heard about a farm feed salesman that was using 'amino acids' and other vitamins in his feed that was having a positive effect on livestock in the area. So the father asked the man to give him the recipe of amino acids, etc so he could try this with his son. The results were immediate and startling - his depression completely went away. Soon the word spread to the rest of the town and people were coming to the father to get this recipe for their loved ones. The man was giving it out freely and so many people were being helped. I have searched and searched for this man's story (now that we have the internet) but I can't find it. BUT I am sure that if you look within these lines of amino acids - you'll find some connections. Maybe not this man's recipe, but certainly there has to be 'some' literature on this.

The other thing to look into is the whole hormonal triad - when you are stressed or burning the candle at both ends - it effects the triad of hypothymus, thyroid, adrenal glands (which produce all kinds of hormones including serotonin and pregnenolone(your happy hormone))...the triad can't keep up and if one of those hormonal storehouses gets overwhelmed, it effects 'all' of them causing a multitude of symptoms - including depression, low energy, concentration and a myriad of other physical effects.

Check into 'pregnenolone' and 5-HTP (the precursor to serotonin) and amino acids that might be helpful.

I sure hope I can join in next time! And thank you so much for your comment and feedback - I always enjoy deep discussions like this.

Have a wonderful day, @dreemsteem


all of this sounds fascinating!!!!!!!!! and yes - i actually read an article (it was a post that i did too) about how i found that my symptoms actually really resembled that of adrenal burnout. just... the body shutting down from overtaxing the adrenals. and when they finally have had a chance to recuperate - they kick back on again

the problem is - my baseline is overdrive. LOLOL so its a neverending cycle.

and i'm the same as your friend! when i am in low - no one sees me. They just think i'm busy - or not feeling well... but - it's just isolation in the low time.

I really wish you could find that farmer story!!!!!! i'm dying to read about it now hahahahahaha

i would leave a MUCH longer comment - BUT.... I have a show in 2 hours that I need to prepare for hehehehe

love this! can't wait to talk more :)

I will definitely research on that, @dreemsteem Medical research is actually something that I enjoy doing - call me crazy! And I like helping people feel better so I'll let you know what I find.

What show are you doing? I feel like I know you because we connect so well together but I guess I don't know much about 'you' LOL Does that make sense?

hahahahaa yes it does make sense!!!!

it happens often on Steemit, I think - when people share great conversation over comments or posts!

yesterday i did a show called Curation Corner where I was the guest :)

Here is the link for it (it starts at 4:00 - i am just talking about silly things up until 4:00 - didn't know it was taping yet hahahahaha)

Curation Corner with guest @dreemsteem

you can know a little bit about me here! (just scan it for a little bit hehehehe and you can see what i'm passionate about on Steemit!)

and i'm looking forward to seeing what kind of medical research you find!!!! :)

Hi @dreemsteem! I just finished listening to the show you did! I am just so inspired and impressed with your work. Really exciting. I want to hang with you all, too! LOL That whole show gave me such a different impression of Steemit. In fact, I've been meeting a lot of people lately that have been so inspiring and positive.

You have such a sweet and caring disposition and this really comes through hearing your voice and the way you care about your welcome wagon family - thank you so much for sharing the link so I could get to know you better.

That's so awesome that you listened to it!!!! Wow! Hehehe it was long :) I really appreciate you taking all that time to get to know me and the Welcome wagon better!! :)

And you know what?? Alot of people have been getting inspired by others lately! I think it's because after the mass exodus happens when steem drops... The people who really want to bring morale up and inspire... Start to stand out more.

So that's all of us here! Yourself Included!!!

We seem to be a more concentrated group of positivity! Hehehehe

I'm totally looking forward to more of you my friend!😃
By the way . Goal(s) is the theme for this week's DITO :) hope to see you there!!!!

I probably spent more time than just listening as I kept stopping it to go check out your donations of inspirational people and their stories. The whole show was completely enjoyable and a good use of time.

Yes, I agree....inspiration is contagious.

Goals......I had a vision to put together a humorous video of my week set to 'Flight of the Bumble Bee' with all the funny mishaps that happen along the way but alas I neglected to achieve that goal. LOL This is going to be interesting for me to write - but maybe I will learn something from that process myself.

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