The Imposter and your Wive

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)

Being considered creative is not that difficult,
just find the right crowd.

No matter whether you are a duct tape mechanic or a cat burglar that uses only a toothpick to get into high-security places you will be lauded by those around you and rightfully so.

You need to beware when you actually go outside of your comfy circle, beware of the internet and beware of the mirror.

That ruler they gave you, was marked in millimeters and not inches

Not a worm argument

Imposter Syndrome is a sucky thing, you know you are good at what you do, you try your best to keep improving, yet all around you people are doing better and bigger things, seemingly gaining skills and inspiration at lightning speed, the last time lightning speed applied to you was when your wife felt like taking a stab again this morning, lucky you hid all the knives or stab would not be figurative.

We all can and probably have experienced Imposter Syndrome in our lives, I reiterate that it is a sucky feeling, a gateway drug to depression, ok everything in this world is but this one is different, it just crops up and you feel out of place, insecure in your work, angry at those who told you that you are good at what you do and not sure why you are even doing this shit, then you wonder if sewer rats feel bad about being called just rats on the surface.

Nay Sayers

Don't trust her it is a fantasy

In the beginning you may blame those around you, and your wife for not being supportive and saying mean things and although she might like you to pretend to be an imposter you just should realise that it is all pretend or get locked up in your own jail of self-doubt because the neighbour is not going to stand for your shit.

Is too a worm

It is perfectly fine to know your own limitations and either be willing to work on them or make a note to those who ask for something beyond your skill level that they can shove it.
Sidenote: People who can't be bothered to try and do things themselves get very pissy about being told to do things themselves.

You will get to that point eventually and should just realize that when others are making masterpieces and it seems like creativity and genius is flowing out of their arses like a neverending rainbow that they are just either a bit more naturally talented than you, further along than you, have already told many people to shove it and you can be sure that when you are not there they look in the mirror and yell at themselves in german, that is how bad it can get. Just keep your head down, peer over the rim of whatever hole you have decided to call home be it binge-watching movies or playing games.

You will rise again you tough bastard

Just bend over and take it

All art is mine and you can do whatever you want I don't give a shit
This is my post for our weekly #dropintheoceanshow over at @BuddyUp, this weeks topic - Creativity



Good read. I wonder how you often mix serious stuff with your hilarious remarks and insights. I'm supposed to beTheGray but I think you're sprouting gray hairs


Even if I didn't want to read, the first line is definitely an eye catcher

See ya

Mixing in remarks that happen to be funny is just a way for me to explain things to myself, sometimes they fail hard but at times the analogies, similes, and remarks is a mnemonic for me to remember what I have just decided is my opinion on the subject or a marker to my progress behind a concept.

I struggle a lot with abstract concepts and intangibles and always need to ground them somehow once that is done I can much better relate and decide on the reaction required.

And all of which I have just written may be bullshit , or not, must be these gray hairs I am getting , I am going senile. Who are you again?

Not sure if you are able to go on discord but if you can do visit us sometime in chat on @buddyUp - you can get the discord safelink here , we also have a monday show called #dropintheocean where we all do one post on the same topic in our own way. See you around dude.


You're making perfect sense.

I'll check out the server

I make no promises though

You really WERE making worms! I love them. I like the perspective of the imposter, it’s very real. I think most of us have felt that way one time or another. Especially when breaking into a new skill. Some people do seem to just “get it” while others must try harder. All in our own time. Until then... more worms!! 😁

I would never lie about making worms 😁
Even those that seem to just "get it" will eventually suffer from Imposter Syndrome, it can occur at any level and maybe even more once you are actually very good at what you do. When you start out it is easy to have "Ignorance Confidence" but once you actually know how you measure up then it becomes tough to remain confident at times.

Well.. @penderis.. this was again another brilliant post from you ... from the words the the awesome worm gif!! Imposter syndrome, I have never heard that before but understand it completely. I have actually been on both sides of that coin. Bravo Mr. Pen!! Love this!!

I would say we are the coin, being negative or being positive, we are both sides of the coin, we may get flipped by different means but we decide how to land. Mostly.

Glad you enjoyed it, even better that you understood it since I am not sure I do haha.

This is what happens when a person has a low self-esteem and blame others is just an excuse. Everyone makes mistake but only a few willing to learn from it. Accept ourselves responsibility and be confident in what we are doing is a good start.

Dammit and here I was thinking I need to meet more people to blame 😀 Thank you for reading, although I would say being unable to maintain confidence regardless of outside or internal influence is what I am referring to, what you say is a definite first step in snapping out of it. we are our worst critics.

Hahaha. Please don't blame others for whatever reason happen. 😆 Blaming is the easiest way to push the responsibility to others. It required time, effort and practice to maintain the confidence level we have and to keep moving forward as we grow.

yell at themselves in german!!!! LOLOLOL

You are the only one I know that can make a post out of one massively long run-on sentence and keep me reading!!!! hehehehe You make me laugh (and make me think) and that's a good thing pen ;)

Thank you for the good read!

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