Inside Change [Drop in the Ocean Topic - Change]

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)


"Sometimes I forget why I enjoy being on this hill overlooking the concrete jungle so many call home. The world is not what it use to be anymore, yet it all still seems so much the same."

"Having lived for as long as I have one should be allowed to be a bit forgetful" looking over to the city again trying to remember why he enjoyed standing on this hill so much. His gaze turns down to his side as he lifts his arm as to inspect it. "This piece of bare metal that does not need any protection from the elements, you see these fingers? They can crush granite."

He lifts his hands to his face turning the palm towards the city, the sunlight not feeling warm nor cold filtering through what use to be fingers made of flesh. His gaze on the back of metal made to mimmick what use to be human hands. "I remember some parts of it, just flashes of the past."

Sitting at his desk he was not sure what he was doing there, apart from needing money to pay rent, and buy shit, he really did not need this job. He thought of an old saying he had heard or made up, never really too sure about which one it was, but the saying goes "If you like your job, then you are not doing it right."

With that said, he went right back to work. The salary was really very good. He recently met someone and she has expressed disappointment that he did not own a car. So he has to work so he can buy a car although personally living in the city he did not see any use for one.

Having worked his way up the corporate ladder earning more and being able to buy a house he felt he had reached all that was expected. He had everything those around him did, no one scoffed at him for lacking behind society, he had a family to support, many friends which whom he shared the same views and followed all the trends, so surely this was the point at which he could be happy?

Taking his gaze off the back of his metal limb, returning it to his side, he turns to face an old friend. What identified as an old friend at least. Lifting his arm still made of flesh, he keeps turning now looking in the opposite direction of the concrete jungle. "I remember now why I like this hill. It always returns to me in the end."

Raising his hand up as to block out the sun, palm facing to a shed in the middle of a valley flanked by woods. He makes his hand a fist and turns back to the robot, using his index finger he dabs himself in the chest.

"I quit that fucking job, and never had a family or stupid car. I only accepted the good parts that made sense and felt right to me, I might not always have agreed with the new ways but could see when they were good. I changed but still stayed true."

...losing his shit now.

"You, on the other hand, let them take all of you, insidiously replacing every part of your being and you dare to try and trick me with false memories just to turn me into one of you agreeable motherfuckers?"

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