Spin Your Mousey Wheel or Pay the Consequences ... Or Not

Hopefully y'all will remember the little lazy mouse that I told you about a few months ago in my Communication Post. He's still a problem. I don't think that will ever change. We have a love/hate relationship and the word 'hate' just mildly describes it. When I saw that the topic for the week was Liberate my first thought went to the mouse in my brain and how he must feel being trapped in the twisted place that is my mind. Good thing he drinks.


Shithead the lazy mouse
Who lives in his brainy house
He will work for beer and smokes
and claims his wheel is effing broke

When asking for mousey advice
He doesn't bother to think twice
before giving me the middle finger
the bad attitude always lingers

I think he's sick of his mousey home
he always wants to bitch and moan
he tells me I'm keeping him a slave
I tell him he should just behave

He stands on the couch, fist in the air
"Liberate me from this life of despair!"
I slap his face and knock him to the ground
Shithead better watch or I will have him bound

I just want him to make his mousey wheel spin
He just causes trouble until I give in
To his lazy mousey ways and very large ego
Not to mention the tantrum he throws

Maybe I will give him what he wants
Make him think it's just a little jaunt
Liberate him from his brainy cave
Confine him to his little mousey grave

Shithead informed me that's not a good move
Just like always, he never approves
Even drunk and stoned, I just need him there
For without him all you'd get is a zombie-like stare




This has been my Drop in the Ocean post about the topic Liberate for the awesome BuddyUP community.




Wait until he runs out of booze them bribe the bugger, but it seems this is a take it or leave it situation which is not so bad, maybe because of all that downtime it means that when your mind works it is exponentially better , and the bad mousey is also good to deal with things that suck like most people. You would not want to waste brain power on answering questions about what is for dinner hun now , would you?

That's the thing Pen. I bribe that bugger all the time and all he does is shoot me the middle finger. I swear he's got it out for me. But you do have a point when he does work he doesn't disappoint but those moments are few and far between... half the time I feel like I'm just a shell drooling and staring off into space. Hehehe Damn mousey!!!

LOLOLOLOL better something than a zombie stare!

oh my gosh - this poem had me giggling monchie :) hehehehe i still haven't done my post yet! and my brain is broken i think. LOL

maybe my mouse is a zombie??? help - what do i do?!?!?! LOL

Well Dreem you must whip that little mousey into shape and will him to do your bidding. Sometimes it will work, sometimes it won't and if it doesn't and your mousey just shoots you the middle finger, then all you can do is have the zombie-like stare till he decides to get on his little mousey wheel and work again. It's not easy to deal with the sometimes brilliant no good for nothing lazy mousey in our brains. Lol

LOVE IT! omg this is funny, with some truth beneath. I'm familiar with that mouse. I think he has a cousin that resides in my mind. We should send them out drinking together, eh?

Hahaha I think our no good mousies would get along famously!! Maybe if my mousey has a friend he will be more productive... maybe yours too!! Great idea babe... lets make that happen!! Hehehe

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