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RE: I Really Didn't Mean It That Way

Thank you so much @quillfire!!! Such kind words coming from an awesome poet!!! I don't consider myself a poet but I do dabble from time to time... with that type of critique, you also have gained a new follower!!



Followed back. Always glad to meet someone new.

I don't consider myself a poet but I do dabble from time to time

That's how it begins! Once a few people know you can write, they start asking favors. "Could you write a poem for ..."

You're not an ass, so, of course you say yes. Word gets around. It occurs to you that it would be "special" to write a poem for your spouse or child for their birthday or Christmas. Wonderful ... a tradition is born. And you thought it was going to be a one-off. Delight ... becomes expectation. They've become crackheads.

You now realize you've got a lot of material to come up with, so, subconsciously you start looking at the world in a different light. Everything gets filtered for its metaphorical potential. A cigar is never just a cigar. That half-eaten burrito on the sidewalk ... what's that mean?

Pretty soon, some smatypants Steemit poet (thanks @prydefoltz) starts calling you Quill. And, although you can't get more than a dozen people to reliably visit your feed, that spreads like wildfire ... in the real world! Your teenage daughter's friends think it's "chill" to refer to you as "Quill" (which, they point out, rhymes with chill ... "so be chill, Quill") instead of "Katie's Dad." Soon, teachers are introducing themselves, "Hi, I'm Jan ... you must be Quill." You've become a feather. What kind of a name is Quill for an alpha-male? (Yeah, that's right, @prydefoltz ... alpha-male ... alpha-male ... alpha-male.)

Burn your pen. Get out while you still can!

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