I Really Didn't Mean It That Way

in #dropintheocean6 years ago (edited)

The subject of context
Has me quite perplexed
My brain is fried
At least I tried
I won't win this contest



My sweet BuddyUP family, you almost got me on this one. I thought about context. For days. I went shopping; thinking about context, I was cooking; thinking of context, I was cleaning; thinking of context. Nothing was happening in this brain of mine that got me any closer to knowing what to write. This was way worse than last week's topic of encouragement. After whining a little in discord, @penderis felt sorry for me and offered to have a brainstorming session with me. It did the trick. I am always saying that I have a short circuit between my brain and my mouth and things often don't come out right, and more often than not, will be taken out of context because I didn't supply it properly. I wrote a poem about it.

Shorting circuits
In my brain
Causing my mouth
To go insane

As hard as I try
I'm not a quick thinker
My mouth doesn't wait
And out comes a stinker

I get confused looks
From those around
Let me crawl into my hole
And not make a sound

Context is needed
But often escapes
You said that all wrong
Their mouths are agape

I will shut up now
I just can't explain
The crazy short circuit
Between my mouth and my brain

I am sure that some of you will understand when I tell you that my mind is a constantly changing whirlwind of thoughts, ideas, memories, worries, numbers and pictures, just forever evolving and changing. When someone says something to me, a million thoughts pop into my head and everything gets jumbled and if I speak too fast, which happens a lot because my mouth has a mind of its own sometimes, I will often say something that can easily be taken out of context. And now that you know this, please don't hold it against me if I say something thats just a bit..... off. 😉


This has been my Drop in the Ocean post about Context for the awesome BuddyUP community. You guys never cease to amaze me, someone needs help, and there's always someone reaching out. I can't thank you enough. I LOVE MY BUDDYUP FAMILY!!!!
Thanks for stopping by y'all.

Source Cute Little Skulls

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IDK Monch - I think you've got another winner on your hands. Poems that make me laugh....and say "yep, been there done that."

Not to mention cute little skulls....


Lol @tamala... you are too kind babe. Brutal honesty id often funny isn't it? I have so many of those Duh moments it's not funny!! Well... maybe it is lol. I can laugh at myself and I'm glad you can relate and laugh with me!! And the cute little skulls are sooo cute right?!?! Lol ❤

This poem is awesome. Happy Monday!

Thank you so much @dfinney!! I'm so glad you liked it, it took so long to come up with this!!! Happy Monday to you babe!!

Love it love it love it - that's all I'm saying :D

You know how much that means to me coming from you Andy!! ❤

hehehehehe will this be three weeks in a row that she wins????? LOLOLOLOL

i love it @monchhichi23 :) i was cracking up!!!

but i don't think you're short-circuited at all... its just the way we roll, girl

its just the way we roll.

Um.... this win would be 4 in a row!! Get it right Dreemie!!! Don't make me put your glowy firefly butt in timeout!! 3 in a row... I ought to beat you!! Hahaha
I'm glad you liked it, omg it's a miracle that I even thought of it... my brain is mushy now!!
That is how we roll, and it makes for some interesting posts and conversation. Isn't there a song ... 🎶rolling with my homies... something like that????

tha'ts our new song monch!!!! rolling with the homies LOLOLOL

and 4! hahahaha
what do you mean you ought to beat me???? you DID beat me. three times in a row!!!!! LOLOLOL

Oh yeah... oops!! Lol I know you know I meant something else but since you brought this up, I will let it go and save your beating for another time lol

thank you. but i already have it from high authority (@penderis... after bribing him) that I WILL be on your throne next week. hehehehe

hm. why did I doubt that immediately after it came out of my mouth.....

4-in wins a row WoW. That's impressive @monchhichi23, i couldn't have Dreem-ed that you would do that on Steem-it. Lol

Why do you torment me!!!!! Lolololol

I need to win!!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂

My VP is way down so gave it what I could, good stuff Chichi.

Awww @enginewitty.. thank you so much for the upvote, don't worry about that... the fact that you read it and liked it means so much more!!!

Chichi is the cutest nickname ever!!!! LOLOLOL

Methinks it fits 😎


I loved both poems to tell you the truth. Funny second one. And so great that @penderis helped you brainstorm.

Good luck in the contest!!!

Thank you so much @angelacs, I have to say that I so enjoyed chatting with you today!! I am glad that you are a part of our little family!! @penderis and @caluman and all of our @buddyup family are so helpful, and to be honest, I wouldn't have made the strides that I've made without them. I would still be floating around Steemit, with wonder in my eyes not knowing what to do. Lol

It was wonderful chatting with you too, @monchhichi23! SOOO great to finally figure out the push-to-talk thingy with help from both @caluman and @penderis. Very grateful to them both!

That was the thing stopping me from participating properly in Discord for weeeeeeeksssss so I'm sure I'll be learning lots more from you all. ;)

I laughed and giggled almost all the way through Drop In the Ocean, Mon. You gals and guys are hilarious! ;)

Nice poem!
I know exactly what you meant by this:

my mind is a constantly changing whirlwind of thoughts, ideas, memories, worries, numbers and pictures, just forever evolving and changing. When someone says something to me, a million thoughts pop into my head

Thank you @lymepoet... I tell you, it's been refreshing meeting people who deal with the same things I do. I don't have people like that in my life. It makes me feel less.... alone!


I was delighted by your poem! (I'm a poet)

Great theme, humor well-delivered and unforced rhymes. The meter and rhythm ... a tad bit off but a minor detraction (likely only noticeable to ... pedantic poets ... or, perhaps, just me). :-)

Overall, a wonderful post.

Keep up the great work. You've got a new Follower.

Thank you so much @quillfire!!! Such kind words coming from an awesome poet!!! I don't consider myself a poet but I do dabble from time to time... with that type of critique, you also have gained a new follower!!


Followed back. Always glad to meet someone new.

I don't consider myself a poet but I do dabble from time to time

That's how it begins! Once a few people know you can write, they start asking favors. "Could you write a poem for ..."

You're not an ass, so, of course you say yes. Word gets around. It occurs to you that it would be "special" to write a poem for your spouse or child for their birthday or Christmas. Wonderful ... a tradition is born. And you thought it was going to be a one-off. Delight ... becomes expectation. They've become crackheads.

You now realize you've got a lot of material to come up with, so, subconsciously you start looking at the world in a different light. Everything gets filtered for its metaphorical potential. A cigar is never just a cigar. That half-eaten burrito on the sidewalk ... what's that mean?

Pretty soon, some smatypants Steemit poet (thanks @prydefoltz) starts calling you Quill. And, although you can't get more than a dozen people to reliably visit your feed, that spreads like wildfire ... in the real world! Your teenage daughter's friends think it's "chill" to refer to you as "Quill" (which, they point out, rhymes with chill ... "so be chill, Quill") instead of "Katie's Dad." Soon, teachers are introducing themselves, "Hi, I'm Jan ... you must be Quill." You've become a feather. What kind of a name is Quill for an alpha-male? (Yeah, that's right, @prydefoltz ... alpha-male ... alpha-male ... alpha-male.)

Burn your pen. Get out while you still can!

Context is needed
But often escapes
You said that all wrong
Their mouths are agape

Sometimes you might think this is the case, mouths agape at thinking you said something wrong but by having the short circuit at times it stops you from filtering your thoughts, those are the times that their mouths are agape because of the raw genius that escapes.

Great poem, as I also said the first time you said "Well I went another direction" haha that is what it is all about, being willing to leave what you might have been leaning towards, and instead staring at a wall hoping it becomes a window. You went got a sledgehammer and made a window.


Great job @monchhichi23

Thank you for all of your help @penderis. I don't know how this would have went without it honestly. I was just stuck till we brainstormed and you got me thinking another way so some of that credit goes to you. Congrats on your win!! Talk about raw genius!! You have a gift and I'm thankful you are so willing to share that!!

You went got a sledgehammer and made a window.

I love this!!!

Flattery will....

I never remember the rest because I do not know how to deal with it. So Thank you 😊 . Honestly though we all just ping off each other which makes it great, learning is a two-way street.

There is a quote I have heard which has always stayed with me and comes to mind at the times I feel "insecure" , so about once every 10min

If you are the smartest person in the room , you are in the wrong room

Now it might not be the perfect one for what I am trying to say but I don't mind twisting things. It is just that our group and the people we interact with here are all better than me but it does not matter since I can learn from that, if I reach the point where I feel I can't then either I have an ego issue or I do need to just branch out a little. Keep my roots but drink with smarter friends so to speak. haha

Hope any of that makes sense. So great job on YOUR work chichi I am glad we are all still able to grow the way we are doing.

Total sense!! Thank you Pen...We all grow together!!

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