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RE: Re-think "Success"

in #dropintheocean6 years ago

@youhavewings this is such a brilliant post. I love the way you think and write.

Today, I saw a friends post on facebook which read -

I look forward to getting to work today

That to me was success right there. Sure she worked hard to get her place set up and her business up. But the fact that she has that joy and passion to live and to work, that right there was success.

It is our wins that brings us the greatest fulfillment - and I love how you have just iterated, and written such a well thought of article here that not only supports this idea - but gets one thinking it doesn't make any sense to think of success any other way.

Looking forward to our paths crossing more on this steemiverse - I love how your mind works.


Such a sweet comment, @kchitrah Thank you so much. And so wonderful that your friend enjoys her job :) It's really nice to hear that - passion is important in life.

I look forward to our paths crossing more, too. Thank you

Have a beautiful day!

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