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RE: "Moral Obligation"

in #dropintheocean6 years ago

This was a fascinating and thoughtful post - and it really has me thinking. As a race, we humans seem to have perfected shirking many a moral obligation whilst suffering very few pangs of guild. I know this is a huge generalisation, but I bet that not one of hasn't thought "that's someone else's problem" at one time or another. I often find myself wondering who this mythical someone else is.

I agree with one of your other comments- you do have to choose your battles- you can get bogged down by the weight of moral obligation. But I also think it's key that each of us plays our part in these issues which are larger than ourselves. I support a charity which focuses on rehabilitating prisoners. The system is set up in such a way that they are caught in a tight spiral of decline once they've entered the justice system- making it a drain on themselves and society. It's wonderful what they are achieving, and what the people they are helping are giving to their communities. Truly inspiring.

The other thing, closer to home, is working towards using as little plastic as possible. A daily battle these days, but one so well worth the fight- for all of us.

E x


What a thought-provoking and interesting response, @eveningart

In the sharing capacity, educating others, I have found when I share too much I lose people (some people, probably the people that need to know the most) so I drop seeds laced with cute That's my recipe LOL Personally, I'm into a vast amount of truths and I do extensive researching on all the topics that plague our society. There are a few that I feel are at the top of the list only because once we go down that path far enough, it could have devastating consequences. Like genetic manipulation and environmental factors that 'mutate genes'.

Yes, definitely plastics are a problem but the interesting thing is 'hemp' could very easily be utilized in so many materials (even plastic like materials) that also biodegrades. Building materials can also be made from hemp (there are structures in Europe that are still standing that were made with hemp after 500 years) and it has other positives like mold resistant, fire-resistant, pest resistant, anti-bacterial. It would also boost the economies of many countries. However, it is not 'petroleum based' sooooo There are so many environmental solutions even enzymes to break down the plastics in the oceans, fungi to clean the air, water, soil of chemicals and radioactive waste.

So many things we could be doing and should be doing.

I think that most of what we see in the world are symptoms of shirking ;) Symptoms that are there to bring our attention to it and they will persist until we address them and modify. That said, as a society we are very disconnected and not educated enough in the social sciences/environment/citizenry to connect these dots. It truly does require personal investigation in order to achieve some understanding. And then we have a lot of people that have been traumatized by this system as well and without the personal skills to assimilate, heal, resolve - we end up with a lot of self projection that spreads - which can lead to 'that's not my problem, I've got my own problems to deal with'. Right?

I think Kant is so right about education - I do think that's where it starts. You have to have an educated society with critical thinking skills and compassion.

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