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RE: Re-think "Success"

in #dropintheocean6 years ago

I spent years struggling between what "society" defined as successful and what my heart felt...unfortunately...decisions made early on often leads to respondsibilities that require one to "stay the course" in order to provide for a family etc....not a lot of room to manuver....also...the pace of life today is exhausting just to "stay even" which leaves a lot less creative juice left....I have learned to change my idea of success to a much more intimate....enclosed sphere....I realize that being available for others close to me provides me a satisfaction without the world needing to know or see....small wonders work for me...of course...I never extinguish the dreams...just don't hold onto to them so tightly....

"May your day be more than you hoped for....and less than you feared"....I left that note this morning for my wife...

Your post had a lot to ponder....thanks.


Thank you so much for your feedback and comment, @bobreedo

I agree, life does kind of pile on top of us the responsibilities - we have to take care of our families and loved ones.

Keep that passion alive inside you though ;)

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