19 People Who Have Committed Unforgivable Crimes Against Food

in #drink6 years ago

Everyone needs to eat in order to survive, but there are some people on this planet who probably shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a kitchen for the rest of their lives.

These are their stories.

Just because you like the taste of three very different foods does not mean you can just put them all together on a plate and call it a meal. Food does not work like that.

via: Reddit

And while we’re talking about awful combinations, popcorn is absolutely perfect just the way it is. You can add butter or salt, or butter AND salt, but ketchup should be the farthest thing from your mind when you pop some corn.

via: Imgur

No. No. This can’t be happening.

I refuse to believe it.

via: Imgur

Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should. –Dr. Ian Malcolm and also me after seeing this heinous imagery.

via: Reddit

Some people prefer dark chicken meat. Some people prefer light chicken meat.

No one prefers this. It looks like a Magic Eraser. On the other hand, your chicken also should not resemble this next picture…

- The story continues -

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