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RE: Dreams Journal - 3/3/18 - Trailing The Future

in #dreams7 years ago (edited)

@bitfiend, that was great!

Your dreams are making my dreams jealous! I had a time travel dream once, it really left quite and impression on me, because I too would love to go back in time and get a do over knowing what I know now about so many things. I can not remember the dream in any great detail though.

I've also had dreams where I could fly, had telekinesis, and was able to create balls of visible energy with my hands. If they ever make a dream machine that can induce lucid dreams, then I'd probably be a dreamwalker for life!

You ever see the movie the butterfly effect?
You ever look into Astral Projection or Out of Body experiences?


I've had a lot of flight dreams and I dreamt I was superman once but the roseville superman. I've always wanted a dream machine also, and I'd want a way to record my dreams like a movie and watch'em later. Would be awesome.

I've seen butterfly effect and donnie darko (which is somewhat similar).

I have looked into astral projection and OOB's and have had many of them. The astral plane is a very intimidating place for me. I've had many encounters where the entities that approach me within the astral plane appear to be demonic.

The OOB's are very weird for me, and I always scare myself out of it. My body being very heavy and I have a hard time focusing on what's around me, but I can feel things and/or entities around me. Since I can't focus I always start moving in an attempt to "wake myself up" because I don't like what's happening.

I've tried many different...methods...including laying on the kitchen floor til I passed out. Once I was in the astral plane, I could feel and hear an entity running past me back and forth and around me with a heavy foot. It was pretty scary. Due to my belief in God and what the astral plane is when I walk it alone, I just don't think it's for me, but I do find it absolutely fascinating.

Every time I enter this plane alone, I feel as though I am being attacked by demons.

Very cool! 'Butterfly Effect', and 'Donnie Darko' are two of my favorite movies. I never got real good at OOBE, it's seemingly difficult to achieve regularly, but half the battle might be mustering up enough intent to allow it to happen.

One time, gf was in the other room sleeping. I'm dozing off listening to a horror story audiobook. This was also around the time that I was reading about OOBEs. I hear this like helicopter sound, and start to feel high frequency vibrations, and I'm lifted out.

I touched ground on the carpet. I was about to approach it as a lucid dream, and either fly through the window, or exit through the door, because I wanted to quick get outside and see what I could see before the experience was over.

Then the idea popped into my head, I'll go check on my gf. So I flew that way, and into the room. What I saw wasn't right at all, gives me chills just thinking about it. She was awake, and sitting up in the bed, but I knew damn well that she was asleep. Because it was an OOBE not a dream.

She's sitting up in the bed staring at me with wide eyes and doing one of those creepy stepford like smiles, but over-exaggerated, like it looked forced. It was scary!

Very abruptly my flight pattern started to resemble a whirlpool, and SNAP! I'm back in my body, so I quick scramble back over to the bedroom. She was still there, still sleeping. What to make of it is anyone's guess.

We must all have astral bodies, but maybe when we're dreaming we AP unconsciously...

I dunno, mysterious stuff this life is made of.

Interesting! It makes me think to write about all the weird experiences I've had both paranormal and OOB.

I think that dreams are more real than one would think. They have meaning, some are prophesies, some are events that are yet to happen (de ja vu).

I've also done some minor research on quantum physics and parallel universes. Some of the dreams I have are very real. So much so that I feel I tapped into an alternate reality of myself.

Of course, it's all speculation, but it falls in line with what others are also discussing with their experiences.

Interesting! It makes me think to write about all the weird experiences I've had both paranormal and OOB.

I think you should, I know I'd like to read'em!

I think that dreams are more real than one would think. They have meaning, some are prophesies, some are events that are yet to happen (de ja vu).

I totally agree, it has to be more than just the subconscious. I have aphantasia (can't visualize), I cannot even draw well, but when I see in my dreams, imagery is constructed that I simply do not have the ability to create on paper, or even conjur in my mind while awake.

Beautiful landscapes, or amazing architecture, and detailed rooms filled with so many objects that belong. I tend to doubt that it's just our subconscious mind at play.

I've also done some minor research on quantum physics and parallel universes. Some of the dreams I have are very real. So much so that I feel I tapped into an alternate reality of myself.

You know, if Bill Hicks was right, we might all be alternate versions of ourself. I think allot about parallel universes too, and often wonder if we're not constantly traveling the multiverse everytime we make-or-take seemingly major or even minor decisions-or-actions.

I too have thought about parallel universes in dreams, because sometimes it's like I just slide right into somebody else's life. There is backstory that you are aware of, and concerns about whatever is going on. It's a very strange thing.

Of course, it's all speculation, but it falls in line with what others are also discussing with their experiences.

Very interesting speculation at that!

Keep up the cool diary entries, I'll have to go back and read up.
The paranormal and OOB sound really interesting too!

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