"I was visitng a cemetary with three open graves, my son was with me, and I am now so scared!" - dream interpretation

in #dreams6 years ago

Excerpt: those of you who have been following my posts are familiar with my positive approach to life, or better said impartial attitude. That is, life is one big wonderful experience, neither good nor bad. This attitude comes from many lifetimes in which I have encountered fairies, demons, gods, and evils. It's easy to blame outside forces for one's miseries, stagnation, and fears; it's much harder to face one's own inner dark aspects and prevail.

In this dream interpretation, I urge the dreamer to be bold and not resort to the easy solution. She is faced with great fear, being presented as graveyards in her dream, and our discussion reveals the inner struggle she goes through. Once she is able to neutralize her emotions, the energy can serve her.


Credit: Colln Young-Wolff

The dream

I dreamed that I was going with my nine-year-old son to see a house we were considering moving to. The house in the dream was terribly big, much bigger than we needed. The house was worth millions, but the price was less than a million. When we went in to see the house we came to a bedroom that was spacious with luxurious furniture, painted black. Expensive and not to my liking. From the bedroom window, it looked as if the house was near or inside a cemetery. My son saw graves and suddenly he asked me "what is this big hole?" The hole, of course, was a dig to bury the dead in. In the dream, I saw three such digs that were the preparation for graves, each one in a different place in the cemetery near other graves.

In reality, we are considering moving, but we have not decided on anything and we have not even begun house-hunting, meaning that the search is completely intangible.

The interpretation

First, the dream can teach you something very important - as soon as you make a choice, in your case, it's about changing homes, it's already happening in other dimensions. As if you have sent energetic agents to find the most appropriate place for the new apartment and the agents come back to you in the dream with the results they have achieved.

What you then should consider is whether to accept their findings or send them to continue the search. The dream says that the search process should be - if you allow - fun and easy (symbolized by the expensive house) rather than arduous, difficult and exhausting (symbolized by the cemetery). Once you - as the landlady of your world - give the interdimensional agents the instructions, they will continue to do the search and miraculously will find the right home for you, as if you hired a skillful real-estate agent.

With regard to the graves, it often happens that new neighborhoods are being built near cemeteries (especially nowadays when land becomes scarce) and you have to decide if you are prepared for this. In this sense, the dream helps you clarify desires and needs.


Credit: homeesthetics

On another level, the dream sends you a message - there is potential, a possible future, for you to have wealth and abundance and to reach that stage you have to use your inner self (= your child who accompanies you in a dream).

Another possibility is that during dreaming you encounter a dark aspect (not in the sense of "evil" but an unconscious, less developed spiritual aspect) that your mind has interpreted as a cemetery. That is, his lack of awareness was symbolized by death. The part that will connect with this dark aspect is the intuitive part of you that your mind has interpreted as the nine-year-old child who asked the question.

First of all thank you for the many interpretations you have made. I am 36 years old and I have never lived near a cemetery and now I have no intention of living near a cemetery. I think there is a clear element in my dream, but I cannot understand what it is ... I would like to point out that the dream really scared me, the digs of the graves and the fact that the house is located right next to or inside a cemetery.

The act of burial, and you may find this difficult to accept, does not mean annihilation/elimination/disregard. On the contrary, during the spiritual change that you undergo in life, you actually merge different parts of the soul. Sometimes these parts are less desirable, dark, rough and maybe even bad (think, for example, about unpleasant memories from the past that now float). If you ignore them or "kill them" they will not disappear but will be swept under your carpet and will reappear at the next opportunity.

Your way of looking at things is very interesting. The dream frightens me and has negative connotations. I admire you for the positive way of looking at things, but I wonder if a dream with such negative connotations can symbolize any positivity?

Let's distinguish between two things.

  • The emotion of fear is real. And yet your judgment about this emotion (i.e., to say that it is something negative) is solely your judgment and therefore an illusion. Or in simpler words, neither good nor bad, neither negative nor positive.
  • From the point of view of your inner self (for the sake of simplicity - the self that dreams) everything that happens is an experience and therefore is welcome. This is also my point of view of your dream, so to you it seems that I am adopting a positive attitude while I had no such intention. In my life, I do not repress the negative (in your terms). I watch it, bless its existence, refrain from judging it and then let release and move on. In this way, the negative energy (again, in your terms) is converted into neutral or positive energy that can now serve me.

Therefore, your question has no meaning in the world in which the dream is created. In your dream, you created symbols that reflected well your inner world. All this is fine, but once you (or anyone else) judges the symbolism of the dream, a screen of forgetfulness rises and prevents the inner voice from presenting the meaning of the dream. This is also true in the reality - when we meet a new person, for example, our mind immediately tends to classify and judge them, thus we miss the wonderful gift that those people carry for us.

Good Luck!



I used to live near a cemetery and passed by it going to school in San Diego CA. The cemeteries here in the Philippines a lot of homeless live inside soem in exchange for cleaning the area

Sounds like a good trade off

Well, I can understand why you have to be this terrified by your dream.

But, I would like you to read @nomad-magus interpretations again, he's not against the point of you been terrified, but he's only trying to make you see the dream from another angle and not only from the angle of fear.

Emotions are not too be buried.

As if you have sent energetic agents to find the most appropriate place for the new apartment and the agents come back to you in the dream with the results they have achieved.

Even though you didn’t mention about his dream meaning something good nor bad, at some point you gave him a hint. Most people decide, while seing opened graves in their dream, it’s a bad sign. Even in reality the house loses it’s value if located near the cemetery. I personally wouldn’t buy house cemetery. The place would feel too sad to live in. At the end your answer subconsciously convinced him about his dream may not have a meaning of something much worse than just a decision making not to move to a house near cemetery. At least that’s what I feel by his respond.

Indeed. She was so afraid when she first approached me.

Hear the words of my funeral, so the thought of; dream I see the person that I love in a dream. There's that trust that this occurs because the contact from those who've been there through communication in natural telepathy. Sometimes this kind of dream is precisely not creepy, it soothes. This marks a love which passes through the concept of the limit of time and distance. If the person who's "go to's" that I talk loud enough to me, this could be a way of me talking to myself.

Thanks my Teacher @nomad-magus

Your dreams are your predictions, excellent blog and interpretation @nomad-magus

I rarely remember my dreams, but I know I have some strange ones. Not sure if they really mean anything

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That is awesome details and great recollection of so many different dreams @nomad-magus

wow that is a great post

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