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RE: Some Dark Entity Disrupting My Sleep Again

in #dreams5 years ago

One of my sisters is a psychologist, and she likes to say that "broken minds are monster factories". Maybe that's it. I cannot say anything about it being of supernatural cause, unless I feel something of that nature emanating from your artwork. But, nada. Or, maybe I'm just numb right now.

And, if you're a Catholic, even if you're not a practicing one, I suggest you get a crucifix and a rosary and hang both in your room. I have a rosary from the Vatican, as well as a scapular. I feel safer with them than without. Both were given to me by my ex, and she's the one who got me back into the faith.


"broken minds are monster factories"

Now this is perfect and I certainly believe that. This could be just another hallucination of me as well. The mind is powerful but it couldn't distinguish reality and fantasy that good lol. I made that work maybe 2 weeks ago, as I have not touched that yet cos I focused on other things first so not sure if it would emanate something?

I do have a black tourmaline crystal but I don't want to become "dependent" on them that I'll feel naked without them. I would like to strengthen my mind and face my fears alone. Besides I stopped believing in rosaries and other "holy" things. If there is indeed a creator, then I would like to connect with it "directly".

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