Weirdness of dreams - it seems so normal... and then it isn't. [Underhill]

in #dreams8 years ago (edited)

I woke this morning from another odd dream. In hindsight it was very movie adventure like. Yet, it started so normal and with a positive premise.

My children invited my wife and I to dinner. The place they invited us was near our house and there were a few curvy roads to take across several city blocks. In the dream it felt as though this was my neighborhood, though a part of my area I didn't spend much time driving.

I am old school. I learned to look at and read maps before GPS was available to all of us in our phones. I for the most part have not broken down to using my phone to tell me "Take the next right". Instead I tend to look at a map, and most commonly something like and I more or less memorize where I am going. This tends to serve me well usually, but I guess my dream decided to play upon that.

I knew the route to the dinner. The dinner went well and my kids and all of us left. That is when the dream decided to do something that dreams do.

Suddenly, my wife and I are there and it is time to drive home. I for some reason in the dream have the total inability to drive home the same way I came. I remember thinking about GPS (which in the dream for some reason I was thinking GSM), and being stubborn and saying "we are close to home" and thinking I don't need to poke at my phone and figure out how to get the GSM working. So we start driving, and hitting all of these curvy roads, and not really seeing anything that remotely looks like our house or the roads around it.

We soon realize we are lost, and I take the "If I drive this way long enough I'll hit a major road I know and we'll be fine" which did not work either. We go up some winding ridges and down some places, and through places with a lot of buildings, yet it is nothing like the area around my house. Nothing that extreme exists in reality.

Add to this anyone watching this as a movie or television episode would immediately clue into it being a dream due to the vast amounts of buildings, houses, factories, etc yet ME in the dream never seems to notice the lack of other people, or other cars. It is an empty cityscape with my wife and I cruising through it LOST, but otherwise treating is as normal.

At some point we discuss GSM (what I was calling GPS in the dream) and my wife says her phone is dead and out of charge. Mine is at like 20%. I don't want to risk draining it so much we couldn't call anyone (something in reality we would have done LONG before this) and I am sure it is just a couple more blocks THAT WAY.

At the point close to when I woke up the dream and my discussion with my wife entered into the concept of what we refer to as Underhill. This is a term we've hijacked from the old tales of the Tuatha De Danan, Sidhe, Faeries, etc of Irish, Celtic, etc mythology.

It is when you drive somewhere you know (or walk) and suddenly down a path you know you are somewhere that seems similar but has features that do not normally exist, or features that are normally there are gone.

An example of this would be walking down a road you've walked before and knowing where a big house and drive way normally are, and instead all that is there is a big grove of trees and a meadow. You would do a double take and think "Where is the house, I know there is supposed to be a house there?" and it would be a waking moment that suddenly feels like a dream.

We refer to this occurrence as going UNDER THE HILL. Underhill. If any of you are familiar with the folklore then you may get this reference.

Tom Dietz wrote some good books where there were TRACKS that if followed correctly would lead a person to and from the land of the Sidhe (Elves) and it was more like where the two worlds met they were overlying each other like a dream.

I woke about this time... it was interesting, and I wanted to document it and share it.

EDIT: This entire dream had a very Twilight Zone, or Black Mirror type vibe to it.

Steem On!


I dream very very seldom.

Three days ago I dreamt that I dreamt that I was not sure if I am awake or dreaming.
Damn was I confused after that as to where: Am I awake now??

Yeah I don't remember my dreams very often. Lately I've had a few weird ones. This is the second one I've written about on Steemit. I've had the waking in the dreams moments before. It has been a long time.

Sometimes I consciously become aware I am dreaming in dreams and I choose to stay there simply because I am enjoying the fact I am actually remembering this dream. Dreams always have the best special effects. :)

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