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RE: Dream Diary - 11/1/18 (Part 1)

in #dreams7 years ago

This dream is saying that you are a channel/medium (all musicians represent this). It's tying food to this gift because there are things in your diet that are taxing for your individual body physiology and the energy spent on digesting and eliminating these foods is inhibiting your ability to reach the higher energy vibrations required for use of your channeling gift. Couples often show up in dreams of channels because channeling requires a balanced male/female (head/heart) energy. 2 is also a symbol that shows up in the dreams of channels often. Here you have 2 couples.

The food we see are tomatoes, cheese and hot peppers. Tomotoes and all kinds of peppers are nightshades and can not be tolerated by many people, they should be especially avoided by people with the A-blood-type. It seems like maybe you know these foods bother you but you just suck it up and power through it anyway. Not a good idea. Soup is a symbols that shows that these foods create a mucus in your bowels/elimination system. The mucus is likely due to the inflammation it creates in your elimination system. If you have fertility issues (as in trying to conceive), this mucus could also be affecting your uterus (though the only symbol that miiiight suggest that is tomatoes since it's technically a fruit and fruit represents the reproductive system).
Rhianna carrying around mac&cheese in a white bowl is definitely a pun that your bowels can't handle dairy.

The fish and water represents spirituality, the boat represents your life journey, 5 represents karma. Spirituality and spiritual awareness is meant to be a major feature of your life's journey, karma shows you came here to use your channeling gift - as in, you are obliged to develop it to further your own awareness as well as the awareness of others.


I'll comment on part 2 as well as it will be continuing this theme and elaborating...

@aprilangel Thank you for your feedback. I really enjoy reading your interpretations :-D

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