[Hae-Joo] Dreams of Awakening : Desire

in #dreaming7 years ago (edited)
Hey Steemit,
So I've been dreaming and remembering my dreams a lot more lately...
Dreams of Awakening is a mini-series I like to write when the Cosmos gives me the opportunity… More and more, as I continue on my path to ascension, I’ve been engaging in semi-lucid dreaming; and I invite everybody to share their own spiritually-enriching dreams with the tags #dreaming and #awakening ; let's get these tags up in the ranking.

😁 😄


So the dream starts with me heading to a post office looking to collect my package. But upon arriving to the location, a large postal warehouse, I realized that the main entrance to the post-office was closed. So I walk around the complex and find the docks where the post-trucks load up and park.

I peek my head in the dark room, and there’s a girl who visibly works there who’s about to go through a door leading to another room. I ask her for some information about how I can collect my package, and she answers something along the lines of “Dude, I have a shit ton of work to do”, suggesting she doesn’t have time for me, and goes through the door, leaving me alone in the dark room…

So naturally, I walk over to the door to take a glance and see what’s going on behind the scenes…
And upon cracking the door open, I realize something quite remarkable was taking place on the other side…

The room this doorway leads to is a big great hangar, a large factory hall where all the trash of the city was being processed… The scene was reminiscent of the last part of Roger Rabbit, with a huge cartoonish steel bay, through which all of these trash bags were being funneled into the room.

There were many girls in this room, resembling some sort of cheer-leading squad. They were dressed in very sportsy basket-ball type jerseys. And seated upon one of those sanitary buggies with the mop attached to the back that janitors clean airports with was a kind of basket-ball coach, complete with beer belly, furry white mustache and a blue base-ball cap. My idea of the quintessential senior sports coach. And he was driving around in circles shouting commands and energizing encouragements to all of the girls, as a coach does.

So I distinctly remember the girl I had followed through the door was the captain of a volleyball team, for whatever reason, and the coach was calling all of these girls around him for the big game speech.

Suddenly, a great many thousand black trash bags were dumped from this holding-platform right onto the closest corner to the great cartoonish steel framework gate, and it was time for these girls to process the trash. They all set about clearing these bags by grabbing them from one side of the room, and carrying them to the other side of the room to throw them in some great trash-compacting “juicer” that fed the garbage soup into a Willy-Wonka factory style river of garbage-sewage.

And I suddenly realized that, just like in the Chocolate Factory, there were many thousands of Dr. Seuss style pumps and tubes moving and sorting all of this garbage and processing it into all kinds of various outlandish contraptions and other ridiculous pieces of machinery, complete with steam-exhaustion and all kinds of buzzing bells and whistles.

This was a scene of Oompa Loompa cheerleading garbage madness.

So anyways, as this seemingly endless amount of garbage is being processed, the coach signals to the girl I had followed that she was out and could take her leave. As she takes off through a small door in the corner of the room, I dash behind her in an attempt to catch up, and upon crossing the threshold of the following door, I’m once again in a dark tall room with a steel stairwell leading up to some kind of roof…

So I run up this platform trying to catch up with her, but I’ve evidently lost her. So I’m at the top of this steel stair cage, on some kind of platform, when another girl comes around. She was actually quite cute, with platinum blond hair, lush cartoonish lips and a whole lot of make-up plastered over her face.

She opens this door on the platform that leads to this rooftop passageway; a cool moonlit gravel path with benches, corners made of corrugated side panels, and really quite a romantic kind of setting.

So as we are walking along this path together, I ask her whether she knows anything about my package situation and she does not, however, she starts talking and I just start listening to her and I can tell she really appreciates my company and having me around for the walk.

Yet in the dark of night, suddenly some mysteriously hidden shadow drunkard’s arm throws this empty vodka bottle out of nowhere and it hits her body completely smashing itself upon collision, throwing her down to the ground.

So I try to help her up but to no avail, I do not have the physical strength to help her up! She eventually manages to get up on her own but is terribly dismayed I did not do more to help her, and leaves me with a big “fuck you”.


So the path somehow leads me into this cartoonish town, and its day now. While walking along the sidewalk, I meet another girl. Even cuter, with a much more natural beauty that did not rely on excessive make-up to hide its flaws and project a false version of itself.

She really likes the gentleman she sees before her, and before long, we’re off gallivanting around the busy city streets, this beautiful young lady clinging to my arm and finding great comfort in my company.

But at some point, this beautiful façade comes crashing down, and somehow she sees the real me, and does not like what she sees. She gets incredibly angry at me, for she believes I have deceived her all along, and becomes furious, never wanting to have anything to do with me again.

At this point, I’m relaxing on my own in this great expansive park I have arrived at. It is midday and the scenery is absolutely breath-taking. Life is so wonderful, I am realizing in this splendid moment of tranquility and bliss. Yet, somehow, something is missing.

My thoughts are being pulled in the direction of a good girl, a good human being, whom I was silly to have done harm to, though unwittingly as I may have done so. And now I know exactly who this person is, a good friend of mine from my teenage years, whom I had several romantic escapades with that never really lead to anything… We always remained great friends, but there was just this point in time where she could no longer desire me romantically because I was simply too much of a messy burden to entertain. (How many of us fellows were like that at one point!)

And I’m thinking, damn, it’s been such a long time since I’ve seen or spoken with this person. And as I’m dreaming reliving past memories I realize that she was actually the first girl that I “fucked”, or something along the lines of used her for sex because I did not have even the slightest inkling of maturity to construe the situation of her liking me into anything more meaningful than “It would be feasible to sleep with this person and get a good kick out of the experience”.

Do note that I was young, dumb and full of cum back in the days when these events transpired!

And I’m thinking it’s a shame that I was so dumb at that time, and how I would like to make amends with that period in my life if it were possible. And the more I consider these feelings, the more I’m creating this intention where I definitely want to see this person.

And suddenly, in this cool Neo from the Matrix bending and warping of reality, I hang up this pay-phone that I was speaking through and I have been spatially transposed inside this small building, upon which exiting I notice was some sort of small tourism office or information center.

And just outside of this small outpost, there are many benches, with several gatherings of people. And a very close friend of mine, who has nothing but the utmost respect and consideration for women, all the while being incredibly self-posed and masculine (quite an inspiring choice of character for my dream symbolism, as well as also happening to be the only other friend in common I had with this girl!), who has taken the form of an immaterial spirit who is guiding me, puts his energetic hand on my back, and tells me: “I think she’s over there, just go talk to her and be humble.”

So I build-up my courage, take a deep breath, and approach the gathering where my friend is seated on one of the picnic tables.

And upon seeing me, the initial response is of shock and horror (slightly dramatic but it made a powerful impression on me!); “You can’t just come back like this after what you did!” – a startling exclamation that is combined with her friends ganging up on me and trying to deflect my attempt at reaching out…

And from there, I truly surrendered all pretenses and become completely immersed in the moment; from which I felt the pain that she associated with the memory of our time together.

And I don’t know, time just froze around, and I became completely vulnerable, completely open, completely unthreatening… There was not a single hint of control… And from this place of release and surrender, I simply began to pour out my heart.

“There is absolutely no need for you to talk with me, or let my words affect you in any way. I only wanted to communicate to you that I am healed. I have been made whole, and can see the ways in which I behaved, and I understand how everything transpired, and why I behaved in the way that I did. And I simply wanted to show you that I have been transformed, and would love to reconnect with you.”

And suddenly the passage of time resumes, and where he had briefly entered a twilight zone where only she and I were able to communicate with each, and we both realize it had actually happened non-verbally, but merely through the communication of intent; her friends are grabbing me and dragging me away as if I am an unwanted intruder that must be discarded at the earliest possible opportunity… The whole vybe changes.

This unassuming, carefree and open state of mind that I had found had caused a shift, and my friend experienced a change of heart.

Suddenly, something that had been escaping me this whole time, an insight that was desperately trying to make itself known to me, became as clear and as plain as day.

This thing, this “package” that I had been searching for, was right there in front me, and had been there the whole time; and had always been right there for the taking, had I simply seen the truth of the situation.

And out of nowhere, as if the moral of the story was not clear enough to me, the most beautiful girl came up to me, from among her friends… And she said “Hi there, I’m a virgin and want to give you my body because you are a beautiful, good man who does everything he can to give his best to others”.

And I was like “Hot dayum, what!” – and woke up.


So what was the significance of this dream?

Was there any point to any of these stories?

I would like to contend that this dream makes perfect sense in the light of my soul.
Blame karma from a past life, but I got really confused about girls in my teenage years… Those years, which began with my introduction to porn before I could even ejaculate, could be characterized by the phrase: “depressing porno movie”.
I had many unresolved energetic blockages in my root, sacral and solar plexus chakras that had resulted from my past-life karma and the traumatic experiences I underwent right when I was entering puberty.
Once my shadow side took over, and I lost touch with my inner child around this period, I became an absolute mess of a creature; perpetually horny and disturbed by wild and outlandish sexual fantasies…
What I was really seeking was connection with myself and a return to health, but I had been convinced by the world that I had no value and that everything about me was wrong; so I began to embody these projections as my ego began to take root and recreate my image in the light of something my peers and elders would accept, condemning to the recesses of my subconscious all the greatest aspects of my being.

So let me try to break down the dream symbolism in a good old exercise of Jungian psychoanalysis.

The package is that “goodie” that I’ve wanted all along, to put it as Alan Watts would. It represents my unfulfilled desires… I know exactly what this package means in my waking life; it represents all that anticipation I’ve felt over the years since my shadow took over at the thought of one day opening up that Pandora’s box that contains all the fulfillment and realization of my suppressed desires.
The closed post-office I believe represents the utter lack of communication that used to exist in my psyche and represents the escapism which was present for many years in my life; because a closed post-office symbolizes no delivery of mail which contains important messages.
The fact that within this post-office was actually a huge waste collection center, in which teams of girls were there processing the mess, is a symbol for all the garbage that was not only placed in my mind (psychic and physical pollution from over-consumption of distraction), but also the kinds of garbage interactions I had with the "cheer-leading" types of girls I was so gaga for in my teen age years… But also, besides all this garbage, there was also clearly a lot of activity in attempting to clean up and sort all this mess, and an impulse to heal.
Which lead me to meeting the first kind of girl in my life… The one who was damaged like I was… She too was driven by her shadow, and could not accept herself as she was. That’s why even though we we’re both enjoying each other’s company, eventually the pain from the “alcohol” and all the escapism would catch up and blow up in our face.
Then, after my awakening began, and the night transitioned to the day, symbolizing my passage into a phase of healing in my life, I began meeting the next kind of girl: the good girl. But because I was not whole, and was still always trying to “take” instead of “give”, naturally, these kinds of girls would eventually become somewhat repulsed by me. Clearly, I was still not out of the woods yet.
It was not until I took some time to be on my own, and to really appreciate the beauty of the world and rediscover within myself all the beauty and goodness that lies within it; that I would even be able to realize what had been wrong this whole time… Upon realizing the source of my confusion, I was brought back to the earliest memories of where I started making mistakes…
And I realized, in that moment, that I was good enough. By venturing within, and rediscovering my beauty and perfection, I was able to see all my mistakes for what they were. And I was able to make amends for them.
Life is about giving the best of ourselves to others… It’s about sharing. We say “give and take”, not “take and give”… We must first give before being able to receive.

Now that I fully realize this, I finally understand the saying: “The World Is Ours.”

When we learn to give the best of ourselves, we can then enjoy all the fruits of this world… We can fulfill any desire we have, because we learn to give more to the world than we take.
This is the stuff that the intricate balance of the Cosmos is composed of.
When we give others our best, which is what the "Other" desires; we allow the "Other" to give us their best, which is what we desire…

Expression of self.

Fulfillment of desires.

Actualization of dreams.

The world becomes Paradise…

Everything becomes possible, because we are One with ourselves, and One with the world.

We become pure Consciousness, experiencing itself through its multitude of manifestations... And so...

Nothing is Denied Us, Because We Deny Others Nothing.

Peace and Love



Sources - Pixabay: Universe / Lover-Birds / Majestic-Beauty


I LOVE your article! Good idea to make the tags "dreaming" and "awakening" more popular here.
But yes, our dreams are absolutely wonderful. Sleeping is actually like transitioning only that we are still tethered to our body. So in our dream state we can also travel the Universe, yet often times we might not remember them for we need to delve deeper into our subconscious to remember them. But once we do this, we consciously travel the Universe and the places we travel to depend on our Heart-connections to certain places or Souls. So basically we have been travelling the Universe all the time, yet we don't remember these "dreams", for being stuck in every day worries consumes our dream world and pushes our "Universal dreams" deeper into the subconscious. It is absolutely worth it because we get glimpses into our future lifetime ( or past lives if you like ). If you like you can read my article on my Steemit profile called "Artists as telepathic Soul readers" for more info! Much Love to you!:)

Thanks Alex, that was a really nice comment! I went over and read your introduce me and I thought it was really cool. If you wanna get to know a cool community of Steemians, you can click the banner at the bottom of the post (Unity Guild), it will redirect you to Discord, which is a messaging app like TeamSpeak or Skype (you may already be familiar, I wasn't before I joined Steemit!)

It'll take you to a link with a good group of Steemians, and we all like to share our articles with each other and read each other's posts, but on top of that, make friends and have fun chatting whenever we have some time!

Steemit is not necessarily all about the "blogging" experience, it's really about the networking and making the coolest connections and working towards building something truly revolutionary with awesome people!

Our slogan here is "Come for the crypto... Stay for the people!"

Hope to see you around and have a chat with ya' one of these days about Spirit Cosmos and Consciousness :)

Peace bro xx

I really like it when people give elaborated, dedicated answer!:-) thank you!

I'll follow your recommendation and set it up. I am sure it'll be great!

Fosho my G!

Getting to know our audience really helps on Steem!
We can actually be having a conversation with them, and not just "sharing for the world"...

When we have specific people we're trying to reach with our message, it doesn't just make it more personable and allow our message to penetrate deeper, but we're actually creating that back and forth with enriches our lives (Steemwise and Otherwise!)

Glad to have you on board bro! We need more indigos earnin' cryptos and spreadin' the good word of Peace Love Higher Consciousness and Unity! I'm sure you'll be a great Steemian one day :)

Yes, there is huge potential regarding the spread of higher Consciousness here on Steemit. It is really a long-term investment on every "level". The less Ego the easier all will flow beautifully.:)

Com-pleet-leeh Ah-Gree, My Fellow Self and Being


That is truly amazing. Let alone the fact to memorize all the details. How do you do that? I hardly dream, but my wife does always.
The best dream interpretation probably is your own.

Hey @johano!
I just have to write absolutely everything down the second I wake up from the dream... Usually, if I start writing, the dream stays fresh... If I get lazy and decide to put it off 5 minutes; I usually have lost most of the dream...

It's disagreeable to have to wake up and get to writing the minute you realize you are awake; just like taking a cold shower in the morning... But the health benefits are obvious! You can't deny that having a rich and vivid dream fresh in your mind all day does untold wonders for your own psychic wellbeing...

Especially when you can psychoanalyze it and get the rich meaning of the symbolism and help it teach you what you've been missing!!!

Also yeah, I've met women like that too who just have incredible dream recall and remember having tons of dreams and lots of weird details, without ever needing to write them down right away or analyze...

They must just have very strong memories that allow them to remember visual and other details that a lot of us we're just lazy/sloppy/watched too much tv?

I don't know... For me memory is a muscle, but some people don't need to flex it as much for it to be really tone and useful... Others need to put in a bit / a lot more work to get the same results!

She's very lucky to remember her dreams! I find dreams absolutely enchanting a have had a few in my life that have changed my perception of reality and the world forever... Tremendous potential for healing and transformation in dreams

Thanks for both comments. In Germany we have a proverb that goes: Träume sind Schäume/ Dreams are foam. Often it looks like that, however if we look at great dream interpretations we see that they can be very meaningful and bring healing and transformation as you wrote. And they are a source of inspiration. Alma Deutscher the amazing young British composer get a lot of musical ideas out of her dreams.
I like the analogy with the muscle. So I have to exercise it a bit.


Dreams are foam.. - What does that mean! I can't even begin to imagine... German is such a rich language, translating anything from German to English you lose so much meaning...

I would know, I read Nietzche and Schaupenhauer in English with the German on the opposite page (cool books I had!)...

You can tell the German is masterpiece whereas the English is interesting

English is just a bastardized form of German anyway! A bastardized language with no memory of its real roots ^^

Great language for contract and parlay; very poor for the conveying of rich metaphor and imagery ^^

Back to foam. Soap bubble would be the better translation, but for the rime it is Schaum(e). Yes German is a language which really is useful to describe complex issues very precisely. English might be more pragmatic however its is beautiful too and garnished with thousands of french words (compared with only a handful of german). I wish I could master it.

What do you think about UFOs and Consciousness? @imp.unity

That's a good question

I'd have to say that there are probably multiple kinds of things we call "UFOs"

I think there is a subconscious or psychedelic emanation of the UFO phenomena which is basically a kind of projection or something akin to a "hallucination" (a subtle energy of sorts we are perceiving in our consciousness)

I also think that UFOs may refer to secret technology the world's governments have built in secret... Stuff based on the anti-gravity thrusters and devices that Nikola Tesla was working on.

I think Nikola Tesla had essentially built technology that would make energy free and accessible for every human on the planet... I think that technology is being jealously hoarded...

It was Jimmy from Bright Insight on YouTube that really convinced me that governments are hoarding this technology which should have been given to us and ensured a new age of civilization...

Hopefully we will get access to all of this technology someday soon in the future

As for consciousness?

I think it is eternal and has always existed and along with love is the only real truth to the Cosmos... Is that it is a Conscious Cosmos

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