Every Member of my Family Dies a Horrid Death, New Kitten, and an Arrow to the Butt.

in #dream7 years ago

Yes, it's a dream report again. This dream night was intense and hard to follow so buckle in for a twisty ride.


I was with my family in this dream. My mother was my actual mother for a moment but usually the mother from "Malcom in the Middle", the father was played by John Goodman. My blood "brother" (who abused me in reality) briefly appeared in the dream. Everyone else in the dream was played by nameless dream extras.

Part I: Everyone in my Family Dies a Horrid Death.

This starts out with me playing in a tree, up high, with another girl who is down below. I am a kid, but not a very small child. Probably around 12 years old. I find a golden locket in the tree and mention that my brother has been looking for his locket but inside are not photos he would own. I throw it down to the younger child below me in the grass and ask her to go see if it is my brother's. I wait in the tree. I am up really high and after what feels like a long time waiting start to get scared. I begin trying to get down from the tree and almost fall when a flimsy hollow branch does not offer proper grabbing support but eventually find the way down. Only suddenly we have many items in the tree so I begin throwing them down. Food, snacks, books, and blankets are strewn hurriedly across the lawn as I rush to get down from the tree, adrenaline pumping. A neighbor is giving me an odd look but I don't mind.

Once I get to the grass below I run toward my apartment leaving all the items behind. As I am getting to the door I notice the mail truck. It doesn't look like any mail truck I have ever seen but it has the USPS logo so I am confident that it's the mail truck. I open the door and go inside where I exchange a few unmemorable words with my mother (played by herself) who is laying on the couch, looking bored, watching television. When the mail person arrives he hands me two packages. I am no longer twelve at this point but am closer to twenty years old. The mail-man is rather cute and as he hands me his packages we exchange flirtatious glances. He says he needs to write some confirmation number down and grabs my arm gently. Then pen is not working. I wonder if he is going to write his number on my arm and then look at my arm and many faded phone numbers can be seen. He eventually writes down a confirmation number and I try not to show my disappointment.

After I close the door I excitedly go to open my packages which were completely unexpected but as I open the first one I realize it is my birthday as I have a very intricate birthday card. The package is from Baltimore, Maryland so I know it much be from one of my cousins. One package contains cake and assorted nuts and fruit. I check the ingredients and it is labeled vegan. I am very excited at this point as only one person has ever gotten me a vegan birthday cake and this cake has pink frosting and I *love* pink frosting. I am telling my mother about my presents but she is clearly uninterested. I don't seem to mind. I just want to talk I guess regardless of the level of attention my words meet once they escape my mouth.

Once my father comes home the mood of the dream changes and I am no longer a character in it but a watcher who mentions Paul Thomas Anderson directed the "film". The dream becomes blurry here but I recall my brother coming home and my father, mother, and myself plotting his death. The mother is now played by Jane Kaczmarek and unlike my real estranged mother she is desperate to get him away from me so he doesn't hurt me. Eventually, they come to the conclusion to give my brother the surprise present of the family hearse and to smash him over the head with a blunt object while he is distracted. The dream now seems to have a "Nightmare before Christmas" vibe but only throughout the one scene with the hearse and the murder of my brother.

Once the deed is done the family parts ways and we watch them each die separate deaths. My mother wins the lottery and in her excitement, with huge piles of cash, she get distracted trying to drive home in a rush to tell her family the news and ends up in a fatal accident. Our hired help who was never actually pictured is also shown to have died. He is a tall very dark-skinned black man dressed in a nice suit, he died in the bathroom of a restaurant when nobody was present to hand him his heart medication. Then the dream shows the remainder of my family which should just be my father but instead is a mother, father, and small baby, standing outside their home looking through a photo album as they are slowly engulfed in flames. They are entirely surrounded and the ground is lava. The dream now looks like an 8-bit video game. Stardew Valley specifically. My mother screams "Why is this happening to us!?" desperately before melting into the lava with the baby and father.

Part II and III: A New Kitten and an Arrow to the Butt.

Clearly, the previous dream was the big show but I did have a few more dreams and there is even a small bit of carry-over from the main dream.

This kitten looks very similar to the dream kitten.

I still have my packages from my birthday present when the dream begins, only they have changed a bit and are in bags. The cake looks much different as it is now a blue nicely decorated cake. I also have my cat, Mouse, and a new kitten which is her baby. In reality, she is fixed but in the dream she gave me an adorable tiny kitten which she had 0 maternal interest in after it's birth, which is believable knowing my cat. At some point, the cake becomes the kittens birthday cake. I am about fifteen years old and am having to chase this adorable kitten around as I try to get into the family car. Once I finally capture the cute furball I put him gently in my bag and as I get in the car mention to my mother that Mouse is really jealous. She is angry and hiding. I then mention that the baby kitten shared a poem they wrote with me which went like this:

One day I hope to have a giant escape bag so I can be free.

We were impressed at the kitten's skill to write this so quickly.

The final bit of this trilogy is very brief and features me as some random young mother with a husband and small son. I am rushing off to work while affectionately watching my son and father playing. They are all dressed up and my husband informs me that they are playing with bows and arrows again. I smile affectionately and then turn around and bend over to grab my purse when an actual arrow comes through the window and hits me in the butt.

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I wonder, who shot the arrow?

I vaguely remember that being a question everyone was wanting to know. haha XD

haha.. yes i follow u
but u follow me back
nice to meet u

Don't spam blogs with useless comments like these. Just write decent content and earn followers.

I lost it at the last part, I wish I remembered my dreams as vividly

I am glad I do. It's about the only adventure I can get lately. Well, that's not true. I have a super PC for gaming now. :)

Man, I had weird dreams last night and it seems like a lot of other people did too, that's so strange. I'm impressed by the specificity here, my dreams are so impressionistic usually.

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