Life, Death and Rebirth - Dream Theory on Past Lives

in #dream7 years ago

Good morning. So I had this dream last night and I feel like I need to write it down so I don't forget about it. Thought I would also share it as it is really making me think right now. Hopefully I can explain this we go.

Past lives, reincarnation, whatever you would like to call it. It is something I have always believed in just never really understood or thought about how it would work or could affect you present day, until now. So in this dream I had I literally saw myself go through several different lives throughout the dream. I started in the Crusades as a Knight Templar then jumped forward a few hundred years and I was in feudal Japan as a Samurai to a Daimyo. Next giant step brought me to the early 1800's where I was a blacksmith in the Wild West. I stepped off a boat onto Europe during WWII and then finally woke back up to my bedroom in 2017.

It was one of the strangest dreams I have ever had but it is slowly turning into one of the most eye opening dreams I have ever had as well. If I read into this as I am, then it would mean to me that all the things that really pique your interest in this current life could mean that it was something you have/had done in your past lives?! All of those felt so real to me it was just the strangest experience. Everything in my dream is something I feel connected to on another level, not just something that seems like a hobby.

Anyway, it was odd and seems to almost be life changing at this point. Would love to hear from y'all on this and see if you have ever experienced something similar. Or just to get your thoughts. Cheers and have a good day!


Dear cseemuth,

I believe in past lives. I have similar experience as well.
I have a small birthmark on my face at the temple.
I dreamed that I was pushed to the brink of cliff, then quickly switched to a scene that I was playing a piano with someone pointing a gun at my temple and I was killed afterwards. Dream is correlated with reality. Here’s sentimental remarks that I heard from my grandpa. Birthmark should be something my past live want me to remember, let say , the pain (of course, my case is pain here, that is how I was killed I supposed?) or the joyful memories (some people would have birthmark on chest, it was deemed to remember the friendship with someone else at war or his beloved one). So do you have similar things just as I do? It is very likely that you are going to see and understand something soon.


Raerae that is a very interesting theory as well. I like how things like birthmarks could be reminders of what has happened to us in past lives, that makes for very interesting explanations. Thank you so much for sharing that with me and I will start to pay more attention in the future to something like that!