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RE: How #drawitagain Gave Me Peace of Mind

in #drawitagain6 years ago

Seeing old work is so much more intriguing then we expect it to be. Also, as a kid you tend to draw impulsive, yet when you're older you start too overthink every move you make. The whole structure of your new circles 2.0 looks eye catching. That's some delicious looking food aswell, now I'm hungry...

How often do you find yourself chasing the perfection ideal?
With art, all the time, a gift and a curse.

How do you let go of it?
A lot of the curse part; I can get mad at the tiniest (and almost invisible) mistakes. Going outside for some fresh air helps.


Also, as a kid you tend to draw impulsive, yet when you're older you start too overthink every move you make.

That's the fountain of youth right there, springing from the mind. When we leave ourselves open to the light, the fountain works wonderfully, we are youthful and invigorated. When we close ourselves off from the light, the fountain becomes a trickle and age begins wrapping itself around us.

The food was delicious! We've been shifting away from the beloved Standard American Diet towards fresher, more sensible options. Although I cook for 2, I often make enough for 10 at once so I don't have to cook every day and staying 'on track' is easier. What do you like to eat, hmm???

Fresh air always helps! Along with blood movement to get that new oxygen distributed around the body and brain. And your mistakes must be tiny 'cause I've never seen not one in your work.

When we leave ourselves open to the light, the fountain works wonderfully, we are youthful and invigorated. When we close ourselves off from the light, the fountain becomes a trickle and age begins wrapping itself around us.

Couldn't have said it better!

Oxygen is indeed key to a lot of things. This is what inspired me to make my new music aswell ;)

It sure is good to switch up your diet from time to time. Most of the time I eat well balanced plates, tho sometimes it's too easy to resort to certain fast food. But I'm always up for Lasagne, that's my jam!

Lasagna is where it's at, I'm with you there. That's another one of those great dishes for planned leftovers. Plus, when made with consideration it can be a balanced plate all on its own ☺

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