Drawing Challenge #9 - Light of L.I.F.E. 🕯️| 第九期绘画挑战赛 - 生命之光 🕯️

Hi Steemians,

Welcome to my post! This is my entry for Drawing Challenge #9 by @helene and guest judge @marty-arts. The theme for this challenge is LIGHT. If you are interested to participate, you can check out the details here.

Title: Light of L.I.F.E. 🕯️


Light up a candle on the birthday cake is a tradition that has been around for a long long time. It also symbolize the “Light of Life”. For me, I personally feel that lit up the candles on the birthday cake makes the environment so happening and cheerful. Since young, my parents used to let me make a wish before I blow off the candles and they told me my wishes will come true. Besides, I also drew a Steemit new logo on the cake as I wanted to congratulate Steemit for having a new look and achievements.

Here comes my drawing process...

Step 1
Draw the outline of the cake.


Step 2
Add on the details on the cake.


Step 3
Shade the cake to look more nicer.


Step 4
Colour the light on the candles with red, orange and yellow.


Step 5
Colour the candles with red and pink.


Tadaa~ Done!



🌹Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy it. If you like my post, please upvote and follow me for more upcoming stories and sharing.



欢迎你来阅读我的文章!这是我参加第九期绘画挑战赛的作品,由@helene 举办与嘉宾评委@marty-arts。这一次的题目是。如果你也想参加,🔎 详情可以参考这里

题目:生命之光 🕯️


在生日蛋糕上点蜡烛是很久很久以前的历史传统,点燃的蜡烛也代表着生命之光。对于我来说,我觉得在蛋糕上点蜡烛能把气氛搞好,很欢庆。小时候,爸爸妈妈总是让我吹灭蜡烛前许个愿,他们告诉我说我的愿望一定能实现。此外,我也在蛋糕上花了Steemit 新的标志,想说恭喜Steemit有这全新面貌和目标。希望Steemit 可以越做越好,越多人加入Steemit这个大家庭!😊




congratulations you have a lot of talent to offer to the community my friend continues so you are great:D

Really nice & smart post....!!...I like it.👌

Thank you so much @depu!


谢谢你哦!刚看到题目时也想了很久才有这个想法 😊


谢谢你 @helene ! 会继续努力的 😊

nice drawing :)

Thank you so much @magicmonk ! 😊

What is wonderful drawing! I think you're a great Artist. I don't have much knowledge about drawing but I think you have a brilliant experience of drawing. It is looking so good. The shade in this drawing is so clean.

This post has received a 1.56 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

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