Goblinoids anatomy fun post:)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #drawing7 years ago (edited)

I love goblins, and I draw them a lot. And there're a few rules in depicting that help me to build exactly goblin figure, to make it recognizable. Today I want to share them with you:)

So, how do you know that it's a goblin?:)

  • First of all - body proportions. Regular human figure (of an adult) is average 8 heads tall (in drawing I mean. If we''ll talk about "normal" proportion it's about 7,5 heads, almost 9 heads for heroic image - check out Marvel Hulk od DC Superman:). But goibins are 3 heads tall, sometimes four. Theit body is thinner, and they have a big head.

  • Second thing - ears. While human ears are 1/3 face proportion and are pressed to the head goblin ears are long an pointy. The often have raged adges with chunks missing. OK, they're militant race, they fight a lot:)

  • The thind thing is nose. It can be either big and fat, but it's more sutible for a trole, or really long and with end in a sharp point. As for me I usually draw them with shorted noses. But normally they're with long ones:)
  • Hands. They have four fingers, and they're longer then human ones. They're claw-like and knobbly knuckles. They can have long, pointed nails, I usually draw them yellow

  • Feet - also four toes. They also have much more slender ankles then humans.

  • The general body shape. As I already said - they're thinner then humans. The head is overly large for the body/ Theit arms are long, way too long. If in normal human figure the arms are on the level of a hip - gobling arms are lower then their knees. They also have long legs and a short chest.

  • And finally - the skin. To me it's always green:) A bit yellow and orange somewhere, but in general - green.

I also can offer you to see a few more about goblinoids in one of my old posts here. No, really, they're wonderful creatures:) All the pictures in this post are my original art. 

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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