in #drawing7 years ago



Hello dear friends,
I decided to choose a portrait for today's post.
Often I have drawed beautiful and young women, but there are not only those!
Here I made a portrait of a gentleman called Dieter Müller, a very expressive and particular person, that's why I chose him as a model.
I wanted to pass in my painting his intelligence, a rather wild character, and even a bit of crazyness.
In the background there is a special light, like the sun after the storm. And to show more the perspective of the background, I framed it with a sort of window behind Mr Müller, so that we can understand more the size of the space.
And I wanted also to be realistic when drawing the shirt: -)))
The technique I used is chalks on velvet paper.
Hope you like it and thank you for follow me ;-))))


Ciao cari amici,
ho deciso di scegliere un ritratto per il post di oggi.
Spesso ho disegnato donne belle e giovani, ma non esistono mica solo quelle!
Qui ho ritratto in maniera realistica un signore che si chiama Dieter Müller, una persona molto espressiva e particolare, per questo l'ho scelto come modello.
Ho voluto far passare la sua intelligenza, un carattere un po' selvatico, e anche un po' di pazzia.
Nel fondo c'è una luce speciale, come il sole dopo il temporale. Per risaltare la prospettiva del fondo l' ho incorniciato con una specie di finestra, posta dietro il signor Müller, cosicché risultasse più chiara la dimensione dello spazio.
E ci tenevo anche molto a essere anche realistica nel disegnare la camicia :-)))
La tecnica usata è gessetti su carta vellutata.
Spero che vi piaccia e grazie a tutti quelli che mi seguono ;-)))


Good evening, MISTER MÜLLER !!! (It is 21.30 in the Moscow now: ) Perfect artwork, @carolineschell!

Thank you very much!!! :-)) How cold is it in Moscow?

Unfortunatelly not cold at all, @carolineschell. About +5 degrees by Celcium : )) Snow drops and disappear immediately

Do you like it colder? One day I want to visit Moscow, but in the Summer ;-)))))

Our usual weather in January is -20...-30 degrees, but a few last years stands anomally warm winter. In my childhood ordinary layer of snow on the ground was about 50-80 cm. Of course people do not suffer, but our Russin bears do... : ))))))

I can understand that :-))))

Welcome to Russia! Our bears don't bite : ))) They are very kind and fury )

THANK YOU :-))) I love bears :-D

Grazie mille a te!!!! L' ho visto e ho visto gli SBD, che caro da parte tua ;-))))

I really like the colours and the style and it is very interesting to read your explanation of the thoughts that you had in creating it.

Thank you so much, in the next months I have the project to make some post with all the explications of composition, light and shadows, proportions, techniques, supports,.... and secrets, to paint and sculpt better :-))))

Thank you very much:-)))

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