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RE: Should we change the Witness Voting System to make STEEM more Decentralized?

in #dpoll4 years ago

Yes, I think that the witness system is the key weakness of steem.

As soon as the witness can be taken over, they will be, exactly once the value in taking them over, exceeds the value of keeping the illusion of steem intact.

Think about a major leak, something very detrimental to TPTB (example a full set of data about those on little st. james (pedo rape island for those unfollowing this horrible saga).

Thanks for your question.

However I am not smart enough to find a good solution. I like your idea to make the witness vote more resilient.

Would having more witnesses help? and maybe more geographic (jurisdictional) locations?

Did you follow the story of the shadowbrokers? steemit did ban their account, however it is still (at least the last time I checked) on the steem chain...


Hi there! Thanks for your answer.

I think the system proposed by @edicted would make it a lot harder for a whale to control the network through the Witness System:

Ah sorry I didn't understood it was @edicted that proposed it.
Every little step to make the system more resilient helps...
Whale is one aspect... then there non state and state actors...
the shadowbrokers event was quite revealing...
of course, the illusion of resilience can work for most (like on youtube were most users aren't affected) but one day, once they know how to close the gates, it can be on all...

you know the saying... I didn't nothing when they came for the commies, bcz I ain't commie, I didn't nothing when they came for the gays, bcz... until you are left alone when they come to get you...

money or attraction to it create intrinsic weakness... as it was reported in the new testament, you can't serve two masters at the same time :).

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