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RE: Should Parents Be Forced To Vaccinate Their Children?

in #dpoll6 years ago

Hey, @protegaa. Thanks for answering the poll question.

It's a tricky thing, I think, and you've hit on one of them. I'm not sure just how much I like the way things get passed through the FDA, especially when there's a lot of money involved. And I have a hard time completely trusting big Pharma to do the right thing precisely for that.

An independent panel made up of medical professionals, if such a thing could exist, would be great.

I feel for parents who believe vaccines don't always work, or have some kind of ill effects. I don't carte blanche trust any side in this, though, and that includes the perceptions of parents, so it's tough to really know. I know I had all the shots, and so did my children, and so far, none of us have been adversely affected, and the vaccines worked.

Where I have the hardest time is when parents don't want to vaccinate, but then want to have their children involved in public school, or running around in public places. Since a child under one years old doesn't get the MMR, I have a grandson who is currently at risk to this outbreak up here and an unborn grandson on the way. I'm not sure how you keep people from going places and doing things without it becoming exiling or forced quarantining, but just because some are willing to take the risks (even over other dangers) doesn't mean others should suffer for those decisions.


If you are going to worry about a baby/toddler being exposed, then don't just worry about unvaccinated children potentially spread it. ALL vaccinations wear off within 3-10 years.

And hardly any of the adults have been revaccinated with the MMR,
so every single adult who never had an actual case of measles themselves,
could catch measles and spread it just as easily as a child could.

So, if you want to force children to get vaccinated or stay quarantined,
then you would have to do the same for all adults that haven't gotten all their boosters.
And I'll tell you this, the adults will just say NO to forced vaccinations.
Therefore, we will never have this desired "Community Immunity."

I am 50 years old and have had the actual measles, so I'm good. I can never get it again as I have life-long immunity.

I had the good fortune of being able to pass that natural immunity to my 3 babies through the placenta for the first year of life, and even past the age of 2 through my breast milk.

The unfortunate side-affect of all the young mothers being vaccinated now for MMR, is that they do not have strong enough immunity to pass along to their infants/toddlers. So now, if there is a measles epidemic, young babies are at risk, and yes, young babies are the most vulnerable.
In the past, children would not catch measles until they were old enough to be at low-risk.

The MMR vaccination program has just messed up the way that nature best protected the most vulnerable among us, which is mothers passing along immunity to their babies. When the MMR vaccinated generation become senior citizens, we will start to see measles outbreaks amongst the elderly! ... another vulnerable population that would have never contracted measles in the past.

When the MMR program started, they told us it was "One Shot for Life."
Then it became 3 shots for children over their childhood.
They just haven't wanted to break it to the adult population yet that they are not protected unless they keep going in for more and more shots.
AND each shot brings a risk with it.
It might be worth it to take the risk one time, if one time was all that was needed.
But taking those risks over and over and over again through your life, for not just the MMR but any other vaccine that you have had ... well, makes the choice much more likely to just be a NO to any vaccine in the first place.

Hey, @canadian-coconut.

I appreciate the life experience and the input. It's definitely a hot button topic where all sides have strong feelings about how things should go, and what should or should not be done.

I agree with you—there's no way adults would go for forced boosters and less isolation or quarantine—nor should they. The idea of internment camps came to mind as I was writing that first reply, but that's rather strong and has all different kinds of connotations. The idea is forced interment against your will due to potential (and difficult if not impossible to prove) circumstances, rather than anything you did.

Personally, the more government seems to get involved, the less it seems to solve a problem without creating many more. So, mandates for me are hard to take. At the same time, someone, somehow, should look out for the most vulnerable among us, be it charities, individuals, or something else that won't try to control or act fraudulently.

I do worry about my grandchildren and their well being (just as I'm sure the majority of grandparents do), and the more we go along in this information age, the less we seem to actually know, unless we've gone left when we were told to go right and came out unscathed.

i do believe the body's natural immune system is incredible, and, that in at least some ways we've been causing more problems through vaccines (for me, the main one is the flu), because we don't build up a natural immunity to these common bugs, which then have a nasty way of mutating into a more virulent strain.

So, it comes down to the freedom to choose while taking personal responsibility and accountability, thus accepting the consequences of one's actions. Too many have been let off the hook as far as the latter part of that goes, and it just continues tangle up and complicate things.

No wonder fucking stupid cunt @canadian-coconut had her kids taken away

Sorry to disappoint you, but CPS has never bothered my family.

If vaccines worked they would prevent people/children from getting infected from a non vaccinated person/child.

I haven't had a chance to track down the numbers on the outbreak here in the Northwest, but my understanding is, it's primarily those who don't have the vaccine that are getting it. Exceptions to that could be adults who haven't gotten the booster (as far as measles are concerned), and newborns to a year old who aren't advise to get shots.

I'm sure, though, the possibility of a faulty vaccination is out there.

They are erasing any and all information that even questions (doubts) the effectiveness of vaccinations. On the CDC's own website they have thousands & thousands of reports of severe health complications including death from vaccinations (which even they themselves admit is under reported) . They make it almost impossible to find but its there. They have billions of dollars (from a vaccine tax) ready to pay families that are injured although they are well protected by the gov so dont expect much if your infant is injured or dies. The doctors are clueless on any of the vaccine ingredients. The cdc fast tracks vaccines which are basically a gamble. We now have upwards of 60 vaccinations, many containing mercury and a host of other crazy ingredients (just look at the packet insert). When i was born (early 80s) we had 4 vaccinations, 4. There is a host of issues around vaccinations and anyone who questions anything is shut up. All my cousins children have weird allergies, a host of health issues and they were all vaccinated (a link?, seems to be from all the people i know). My son has zero, and zero health or allergy issues. The docs are brainwashed by their medical dogma. Pharma & the gov are in bed together. I sound like a loony? Maybe but it looks the exact opposite from my view. There was a school with a measles outbreak and most the children were vaccinated, oddly any negative reports again have vanished. Shady shady crap in the vaccine world. The list truly goes on and on.

Well, thank you for this. It's been very interesting the different experiences that people have with this, and it's pretty personal for many people. I think there's plenty of unanswered questions, on purpose or otherwise, and in a day and age where information is easy to access, we all should really be on the same page. But we can't be if the interests involved aren't transparent enough to permit that the actual truth be readily found.

I certainly don't think you're loony. Something is causing allergies (I like the use of plastic for food products as at least one culprit), and I don't believe that all doctors know all that they should know about anything, let alone what's in a vaccine and what it will do.

I'm afraid we're only at the beginning of such discussions, too, and I hope that there's a resolution that the vast majority can buy into. It would be nice if something like that were to happen for a change rather than all sides feeling like they're the loony.

You are a wise man Grandpa :]. I couldn't agree more.

An independent panel made up of medical professionals
They are just as crooked as the ones there now.

There is a measles outbreak in the NW. that is due to people let into the country without vaccines. Polio is on a comeback in some countries. Let that one get loose here.

Yeah, it would be hard to get the independent panel together that most people would trust. There's so much entanglement it's hard to.

Its almost like its leveled on purpose. Hehe 😉

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