In Which Future Cryptocurrency Would You Trust?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

In Which Future Cryptocurrency Would You Trust?

Cryptos dices

Facebook is making its own cryptocurrency or at least some digital payment system. Obviously, other huge international corporations are studying cryptos and blockchain technology. News is issued like “Report: Samsung Planning New Blockchain Mainnet Featuring Samsung Coin”, or “South Korea Telecom Company to Launch Local Crypto”, or “JP Morgan’s ‘JPM Coin’ Under Heavy Fire”.

Would you trust in the cryptocurrencies of big corporations? Which ones?
(Picture: Own work, public domain)

  • I would trust in the cryptocurrency of Facebook.

  • I would trust in the crypto of Samsung.

  • I would trust in the crypto of Apple.

  • I would trust in the crypto of Google.

  • I would trust in the crypto of JP Morgan.

  • I would trust in the crypto of the South Korea Telecom Company.

  • I would trust in no one of the big corporations’ cryptos.

  • I would trust only in the decentralized ones if any available.

  • I would trust in all of them, big corporations offer high security, more guarantees.

  • Let’s see the detailed conditions.

  • Are these stablecoins, or not?

  • Incredible mass adoption coming, I better buy a little from all actual main cryptos.

  • I trust only in Steem.

  • I trust only in gold and silver.

Answer the question at


Voted for

  • I would trust only in the decentralized ones if any available.

Voted for

  • Let’s see the detailed conditions.

Voted for

  • I trust only in Steem.

Voted for

  • I would trust only in the decentralized ones if any available.
  • I trust only in Steem.

The Facebookcoin wont be decentralized... another form of (goverment) Ripple ....

Voted for

  • I would trust only in the decentralized ones if any available.

Posted using Partiko Android

Voted for

  • I would trust only in the decentralized ones if any available.
  • Let’s see the detailed conditions.

Voted for

  • I would trust only in the decentralized ones if any available.

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Voted for

  • I trust only in Steem.

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