
A little late to the party, but offcourse i fully support @crypto.piotr,

Piotr is trying to create a new sense of community here on #steemit, because of his open personality and (if i am correct) his social media and advertising background ... he is really making big steps with this “community building”.

So huge kudos (yes, i’m that old) Support and RESPECT for that milestone.

Unfortunately all the current piotr support has a downside, theres a mind bugging slowly loading page, hickups etc, so, beside the fact that i’m all for helping venezuela, i have not much to say about the other project. Especially since i am not sure what political stance @help.venezuela is taking in this matter.

And because i’m not really following the mainstream consensus with my own political activism, and i have ‘bitten’ myself before with ‘blindly’ supporting a project like thar, i will restrain myself from commenting further on this matter.

So, @theycallmedan i hope you don’t mind about that ;)

Best Regards from The Sweet Netherlands (which are on the brink of war with ... yeah, you got that right ... Venezuela ... big headdesk 2.0)

Hi @elektropunkz

What an amazing comment!

Thank you for your nomination. Didn't have time to say thank you before. Day is just to short.

I absolutely appreciate you support. Hope you know it.

ps. Please check out my latest post. Our community got almost 100 nominations :) Amazing, isn't it?


It's me again @elektropunkz

Unfortunately all the current piotr support has a downside, theres a mind bugging slowly loading page, hickups etc, so, beside the fact that i’m all for helping venezuela

Could you please tell me what do you mean? I've lost you here.

since i am not sure what political stance @help.venezuela is taking in this matter.

This account is managed by @achim03 and he doesn't have any political agendas from what I know. This account is upvoting publications posted by several people from Venezuela, who seem to create quality content.


Sorry to bother you again @elektropunkz

Please don't forget to vote in 2nd round of this contest. I'm trying to build an alliance with SteemChurch so please vote on them:
(more about it in my latest post, just in case if you would like to show some extra support with interesting comment. I will read and reply to every single one soon)


Dear @julianhorack

BIG THX for your nomination and your never ending support. Absolutely appreciate it. Hope you know it.

ps. Please check out my latest post. Our community got almost 100 nominations :) Amazing, isn't it?


Great to be able to work together comrade. Keep up your good service.
Best wishes

I nominate @crypto.piotr and @help.venezuela. They are great communities.

Dear @gandhibaba

BIG THX for your nomination and your never ending support. Absolutely appreciate it. Hope you know it.

ps. Please check out my latest post. Our community got almost 100 nominations :) Amazing, isn't it?


Dear @gandhibaba

I'm quite sure that I already asked you before (hope not more than once) to support my little initiative so this request may not be anything new :)

Could you please vote on this dpoll for a friendly community, which Im trying to support?

Please vote on "SteemChurch". I would appreciate your support a lot.


Dear @danielwrites

BIG THX for your nomination and your never ending support. Absolutely appreciate it. Hope you know it.

ps. Please check out my latest post. Our community got almost 100 nominations :) Amazing, isn't it?


Sorry to bother you again @danielwrites

Please don't forget to vote in 2nd round of this contest. I'm trying to build an alliance with SteemChurch so please vote on them:
(more about it in my latest post, just in case if you would like to show some extra support with interesting comment. I will read and reply to every single one soon)


I nominate @crypto.piotr and @help.venezuela !! Of course @crypto.piotr! Thank you good sir!!

Hi @lanceman

Thank you for your nomination. Didn't have time to say thank you before. Day is just to short.

I absolutely appreciate you support. Hope you know it.

ps. Please check out my latest post. Our community got almost 100 nominations :) Amazing, isn't it?


Dear @tommyl33

Great! Thx for your nomination.

I love how supportive you always are! Seriously I appreciate it. Hope you know it.

ps. Would you mind checking out my latest post. Our community got almost 100 nominations :) Amazing, isn't it?


Dear @ronel

Great! Thx for your nomination.

I love how supportive you always are! Seriously I appreciate it. Hope you know it.

ps. Would you mind checking out my latest post. Our community got almost 100 nominations :) Amazing, isn't it?


Dear @paulag

BIG THX for your nomination and your never ending support. Absolutely appreciate it. Hope you know it.

ps. Please check out my latest post. Our community got almost 100 nominations :) Amazing, isn't it?


Hi @paulag

It's me again :)

Please don't forget to help us :)

Competition between us and "top dog" (SteemBloggers) is really intense. Head to head after 4 days:

Another 3 exciting days to go in front of us :)

Allow me to remind you link to vote:

Please vote on "SteemChurch". I would appreciate your support a lot.


Dear @chekohler

I love how supportive you always are! Seriously I appreciate it. Hope you know it.

ps. Would you mind checking out my latest post. Our community got almost 100 nominations :) Amazing, isn't it?


Sorry to bother you again @chekohler

Please don't forget to vote in 2nd round of this contest. I'm trying to build an alliance with SteemChurch so please vote on them:
(more about it in my latest post, just in case if you would like to show some extra support with interesting comment. I will read and reply to every single one soon)


Yeah, I have been unable to access this post since yesterday.

Whatever the case, I nominate @crypto.piotr and @help.venezuela

These are two amazing foundation and initiative on Steem that aim at promoting engagement on Steem as well as helping fellow Steemians.

Hi @ajongcrypto

Thank you for your nomination. Didn't have time to say thank you before. Day is just to shor.
I absolutely appreciate you support. Hope you know it.

ps. Please check out my latest post. Our community got almost 100 nominations :) Amazing, isn't it?


Sorry to bother you again @ajongcrypto

Please don't forget to vote in 2nd round of this contest. I'm trying to build an alliance with SteemChurch so please vote on them:
(more about it in my latest post, just in case if you would like to show some extra support with interesting comment. I will read and reply to every single one soon)


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